Assignment OverviewFor the Crisis Communication Problem-solving Report, you will play the role of an engineering communications consultant working with the Volkswagen Corporation explain in clear and

Crisis Co mm uni ca t ion Pr obl em ---Sol v i ng Fi nal R eport Instructions 1. Clearly explain the communication problem, 2. Summarize the research that you have done to analyze and understand it, 3. Propose a solution emphasizing the researc h that supports it . 4. Explain your reasons for choosing this proposed solution, 5. Explain how the proposed solution will be implemented. Be sure that you are responding to the VW Dieselgate case as described in the introduction to this learning module and offering a review of VW ’ s response to this crisis based upon research on crisis communication. Write at least 2,500 words but no more than 5,000 words, including, in this order: 1. Title Page 2. Table of Conten ts 3. Letter of T ransmittal 4. Executive Summary 5. Introduction 6. A series of text sections: I. Clearly explain the communication problem, II. Summarize the research that you have done to analyze and understand it, III. Propose a solution emphasizing its creativity. IV. Explain your reasons for choosing this proposed solution, V. Explain how the proposed solution will be implemented. 7. Conclusion(s) 8. R e c o mm e nd ati o n s – a s e r i e s o f s t e p ---by ---s t e p a c ti on s f o r th e d e c i s i o n m a k e r to take to implement your proposed solution 9. A Works Cited Page (so titled) with at least eight references in APA format (must follow APA with no more than two personal i n t e r v i e w s ) . A LL r e f e r e n c e s M U S T b e u s e d i n i n ---t e x t c itati o n s i n th e b o d y o f th e report. Subheadings should be used to organ ize your report. Be sure to revie w the grade sheet for this assignment and to include all req uirements listed on the gr ade s heet to qualify to ear n full cr edit for this assignment.