Hello! So I need to have a research essay over any fiction story the essay It self will need to be 2000 words with 10-15 credible sources from a reliable database not google!! The paper needs to be in


Does the child’s needs, wishes and emotional well-being matter for the cost of their success? I would like to explore the different parenting styles, these are based upon four main components expressions of warmth, strategies for discipline, communication and expectation for maturity. From these categories we have another four dimensions; authoritarian, authoritative, uninvolved and permissive. Which will determine the type of parent you are and how it will impact the child psychologically and how they will grow up to be. However, this is not how it works all the time. For the Asian culture there is something called the tiger mom. That’s a different type of parenting style, constituted of strict and controlling parenting, forcing the child’s capabilities to the maximum. In the story of “Two Kinds” by Amy Tan, we can see how this is illustrated and what the tiger mom looks like. Jing-Mei is the daughter of Chinese parents who assigns her various tasks in the pursuit to make her a prodigy. Jing-Mei was happy at first until she got fed up not feeling suitable for anything she tried.

I find it very interesting how the different cultures accustom different parenting styles. In a brief summarization about the Battle Hymn of The Tiger Mother by Amy Chu, which relates to this topic on how the Asian culture is very controlling and demanding of their children. They use shame as motivation and drive children to high levels of success at any cost. They simply do not care what the child is feeling or wish for. They will do anything to have a child who is very successful and brilliant. Amy talks about the ways of making bright student and what she did not allow her children to do in order to alter her child academic success.

In another article “Ideals and realities in Chinese immigrant parenting: Tiger mother versus others” they speak of the traditional Chinese cultural ideals in relation to education, cultivation of the ideal behaviors, aspirations for academic success, better life, parenting practices, parental control and teaching and preparing children for mainstream lives I find this important in relation to my argument of the tiger parenting style. However, I want to find out if there any difference in Asian-American parents vs immigrant Chinese if their roots are the same or being raised in America makes any difference on their parenting habits. They do not understand that not all children are gifted and find it difficult they often fight against this or find ways to escape their controlling parents just as Jing-Mei.

For now, this is all I have I will continue my search for more helpful information that will relate to my argument and how I can explore and compare the parenting styles and the effect or outcome it has on the child. The below sources are my reference.

Chua, Amy. Battle Hymn of The Tiger Mother. New York, The Penguin Press, 2011.

Guo, Karen. “Ideals and Realities in Chinese Immigrant Parenting: Tiger Mother Versus Others.” Journal of Family Studies, vol. 19, no. 1, 2013, pp. 44-2. Academic Search Complete, doi:.10.5172/jfs.2013.19.1.44. Access 24 Oct. 2019.

Tan, Amy. The Joy Luck Club. Unites States, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1989.

“Tiger Moms Vs. Real Moms.” Contexts, vol. 12, no. 4, 2013, pp. 6. JSTOR, doi:. ww.jstor.org/stable/24710848. Access 24 Oct. 2019.