Hello! So I need to have a research essay over any fiction story the essay It self will need to be 2000 words with 10-15 credible sources from a reliable database not google!! The paper needs to be in

Abstract for Paper “Magical social action consist of symbolic performances – and linguistic symbolisms is central to magic.” - William Covino

I would like to write my paper about the relationship between linguistic symbolism and magic in relationship to rhetoric. However, at the moments, I really have more questions than answers when dealing with this topic, mainly, because many of the books that I want to look at are at the moment on their way to me. However, I would like to discuss some of the ideas that I’m dealing with, and tell you what I am looking for in the books once I receive them, either from remote storage or Interlibrary Loan.

I have found some interesting papers from Covino already, which might help me with my thought process on linguistic symbolism and magic. In his essay “Grammars of Transgression Golems, Cyborgs, and Mutants,” Covino discusses the idea of magic in words, and how power is apparent within the idea of spoken/written language, and rhetoric. Mixing with this, the performance aspect inside teaching, the slight of hand and narrative that is created with rhetoric and the magic that is used in persuasive ways, all combine together to form an event of mysticism that I want to form some conclusions upon.

I’ve found in other resources the idea that magic was once closely associated with rhetoric, especially classical rhetoric. In Magic and Rhetoric in Ancient Greece by Jacqueline de Romilly, she ties Gorgias, goêteia and rhetoric together, combining all with the intent of transforming a person’s mind “into a different way of thinking” (Walker 22); again the performance aspect is tied between rhetoric and magic. In fact, though Gorgias connected magic and poetry together initially, he then stated that poetry is another form of dialogue, connecting verbal forms and magic together, with such thoughts as repetition of words, linguistic anomalies, rhythm and rhyme. Even Kenneth Burke has discussed the combination of rhetoric and magic to persuade the mind, sometimes in ways that appear almost mystical.

So, I’m interested in the mysticism involved in this combination. However, I will be honest, I’m still trying to come to a conclusion on what stance I want to take when dealing with this particular topic, and what I want to discuss involving magical rhetoric and linguistic symbolism. At the moment, I’m really questioning the performance aspect of the entire ritual. How does the teacher function in this type of relationship? What is the role of the students? How does the mysticism affect the relationship? How does the teacher insert the symbolism, and how does this affect the rhetoric? Does the performance aspect in connection to Gorgias still apply today? How do we, as teachers, perform this mysticism, and can it be effective in the classroom?

So, with that being said, here is what I’m looking at right now, while trying to come up with an argument for my paper:

Jeffrey Walker: Before the Beginnings of "Poetry" and "Rhetoric": Hesiod on Eloquence

William Covino: Grammars of Transgression: Golems, Cyborgs, and Mutants

Jacqueline de Romilly: Magic and Rhetoric in Ancient Greece

William Covino: The art of Wondering: a Revisionist Return to the History of Rhetoric 

Kenneth Burke: The Philosophy of Literary Form; Studies in Symbolic Action