Assignment Instructions Create a 2- to 3-page bulleted outline and a bibliography of six to eight references in APA style for your final presentation on your approved topic related to childhood and/or



T’Erica Huff

Southern New Hampshire University

Belmaker, R. H., & Agam, G. (2008). Major depressive disorder. New England Journal of Medicine358(1), 55-68.

Belmaker in this journal tries to explore the major causes of major depressive disorder which has continued to increase and become paramount among people in the society. Looking at how the disorder has continued to increase among the adolescents and the old people, the author summarizes the study by focusing on the struggles these individuals goes through and attempts to look at the possible solutions to this disorder.

This resource is very relevant and important to my research work as it will allow me gain deeper insight of the disorder and help me draw a deeper understanding of this condition. It provides valuable information which will help me develop my research work and thesis statement. It will also help me draw a clear conclusion for my work.

Fava, M., & Kendler, K. S. (2000). Major depressive disorder. Neuron28(2), 335-341.

Fava, M draws his on research work as a completely-published analyst, also as a close study related to major depressive disorder, to determine and explain its causes, people mostly affected, it’s implications on the individuals and possible control measures. He goes on to state important assumptions which support the idea that this disorder has become a big challenge and there is need to try and control it. He pays particular emphasis on the neurological impacts of this disorder on individuals affected.

Thus, using this resource will greatly help me develop my research focusing mostly on the impacts of the disorder to individuals affected. The author has also used several other resources which will also help support my thesis statement and develop a strong discussion when developing my research work.

Otte, C., Gold, S. M., Penninx, B. W., Pariante, C. M., Etkin, A., Fava, M., Schatzberg, A. F. (2016). Major depressive disorder. Nature reviews Disease primers2(1), 1-20.

The authors have used data from Nature reviews Disease primers to test their research hypothesis that major depressive disorder is a prevalent among the adolescents, affecting their attitude, morals, and health status. They discover their hypothesis greatly supported major depressive disorder is high among the adolescents and greatly impact on the behaviors and attitude.

This resource is important while I develop my research work as it will allow me get a clear picture of the individuals mostly affected in the society and what are the side effects of developing this disorder. It will allow me draw a strong thesis statement and draw a clear picture of what major depressive disorder is and what are side effects on the adolescents. The resource also provides strong conclusion will also be of help to my research paper.

Ripke, S., Wray, N. R., Lewis, C. M., Hamilton, S. P., Weissman, M. M., Breen, G., & Heath, A. C. (2013). A mega-analysis of genome-wide association studies for major depressive disorder. Molecular psychiatry18(4), 497.

Using data on molecular psychology, the authors attempt to explain how major depressive disorder relates with the genome of affected individuals. The authors have used data from other articles to support their thesis statement and prove their hypothesis. They consider the behaviors of these individuals before and after the condition. They analyze the genetic make of these persons to determine how it relates or if it has any particular association with the disorder.

 Using the information from this resource is important as it will help me gather in detail the various factors associated with the disorder. This information will also allow me develop a strong and well supported discussion to prove my hypothesis. It will also allow me gather enough insight of the condition which will allow me develop a good research paper.

Angst, J., Angst, F., & Stassen, H. H. (1999). Suicide risk in patients with major depressive disorder. The Journal of clinical psychiatry.

Bittner, A., Goodwin, R. D., Wittchen, H. U., Beesdo, K., Höfler, M., & Lieb, R. (2004). What characteristics of primary anxiety disorders predict subsequent major depressive disorder?. The Journal of clinical psychiatry.

Lewinsohn, P. M., Rohde, P., Klein, D. N., & Seeley, J. R. (1999). Natural course of adolescent major depressive disorder: I. Continuity into young adulthood. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry38(1), 56-63.