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Running head: SMART GADGETS

Smart Gadgets

Smart gadgets have revolutionized the world. It is almost impossible to turn around and fail to see a smart gadget. From watches to vehicles, to phones, to refrigerators, to light bulbs, name it. The gadgets have become a fundamental aspect of our daily lives. But what fascinates me the most is the technology behind them. All smart gadgets are electronic devices that are connected or to a network through wireless protocols, for example, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or NFC (Waliah et al., 2016). The gadgets can communicate with another both dependently or independently of the user. With the incorporation of AI technology in smart gadgets, machines have gotten a higher level of reasoning that enables them to predict almost accurately our most likely choices of products, destinations, schedules, and even music.

In my personal life, smart gadgets play a big role in daily activities. My smartphone and laptop are the one-stop-shop for all the information I would ever need at the click of a button. I interact with my friends and meet new people every day. I learn online and have group discussions with my classmates without having to meet physically. My smartwatch not only helps me keep time but also helps me in tracking my physical fitness. My smart security camera is wired to enable me to keep track of whatever is going on in the house at all times despite where I might be. The smart smoke detector prevents the house from catching fire by putting on an extinguishing system and the smart thermostat enables me to adjust the temperature of the house from my phone.

In the future, the use of smart cars is the best thing that could happen. No more reckless driving, driving when drunk, and consequently a decrease in the number of accidents and breaking of traffic rules (Narla, 2013). Moreover, the complete incorporation of robots in our daily lives would make life much easier. During this Covid-19 pandemic, robots are increasing the safety of medical personnel by cleaning up patient rooms, offering food and medicine, and also acting as a means of communication between medical personnel and the patients. The use of a smart refrigerator in the near future is what I am looking forward to. Smart refrigerators help keep track of all foods stored in them, their expiry dates, and even their usage. They can alert when certain foods are depleted and the weight of the food placed in the refrigerator.

One of the obstacles as change continues is the dependence of smart gadgets on internet connectivity. Not everybody on the planet has an internet connection. The safety of personal data is also at risk. The increased levels of hacking have exposed private information to people. Moreover, there are no clear regulations on the security of the data leading to the misuse of personal information by data companies (Levine & Kendall, 2006). Smart gadgets will automatically lead to the loss of jobs. Smart cars will significantly decrease the number of chauffeurs and robots will reduce the number of manual laborers. The gadgets also emit CFCs that are harmful to the environment as they degrade leading to diseases such as cancer in people.

One of the advantages of smart gadgets is the management of all devices from one place. From the smartphone, I can control my refrigerator, TV, and in the future, a smart car. Flexibility is also a very big advantage. It is very easy to integrate new devices into already existing systems and manage them from the same place. Smart cameras help in maximizing security at home. Additionally, appliances are able to function more efficiently. The smart refrigerator alerts you when certain items have expired and the smart TV will recommend to you content based on your views.

In dealing with the issue of safety of personal data, coming up with full proof systems to hacking and very strict punishment to hackers might help curb the act. Moreover, routine tests and maintenance of systems would be very significant in the fight against cybercrime (Ahmad et al., 2018). With robots being used in performing most of the manual labor, the creation of new job opportunities such as repair and maintenance of those robots will help in creating new jobs for the people.


Ahmad, I., Kumar, T., Liyanage, M., Ylianttila, M., Koskela, T., Braysy, T., ... & Huusko, J. (2018). Towards gadget-free Internet services: A roadmap of the naked world. Telematics and Informatics35(1), 82-92.

Levine, S., & Kendall, K. (2006). Energy Efficiency and Conservation: Opportunities, Obstacles, and Experiences. Vt. J. Envtl. L.8, 101.

Narla, S. R. (2013). The evolution of connected vehicle technology: From smart drivers to smart cars to... self-driving cars. Ite Journal83(7), 22-26.

Walia, N. K., Kalra, P., & Mehrotra, D. (2016, January). An IOT by information retrieval approach: Smart lights controlled using WiFi. In 2016 6th International Conference-Cloud System and Big Data Engineering (Confluence) (pp. 708-712). IEEE.