Literacy Narrative and Grantham Resources. There are two parts to this assignment: a literacy narrative and a discussion of Grantham resources. A Literacy Narrative is a special kind of essay in which


Learners and Context analysis

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Learners analysis

It is the aim of any instructional designer to adequately meet the expectations of his or her target audience. Initially, the designer must evaluate and filter out the context he or she aim to deliver to his or her audience (Kurt, 2015). However, the learners’ characteristics, context of content delivery and the context of skill applications must be analyzed too. Analysis of the learners assist the designer to clearly know where to initiate the instructions and what should be included in those instruction (Birgili, 2013). Additionally, from the analysis of learner, the designer can determine the characteristics of his or her learners. This plays an important role in the designment of instructions which are motivating, effective and efficient. The importance of understanding the learner’s traits is drawn from the insight that some learner are quick learners while others are slow learners.

Learner characteristics are all the attributes of the target group of learners that may have an impact on what and how they learn. These characteristics include;

  1. Academic

Academic characteristics are the frequently used and the most accessible learner’s information. These include; level of education, type of education, prior knowledge and major subjects studied.

  1. Personal

These are attributes associated with demographic data of a learner. For example: Language, age, social economic status, maturity, cultural background and gender. Personal characteristics also includes specific learners’ skills and disabilities that might have an impact to his or her learning.

  1. Social or emotional

These characteristics illustrates how a learner interacts with others in a group. These include; mood, individual-image and sociability

  1. Learning style

These characteristics indicates how an individual learner processes information and he or she handles tasks in the learning sector. Different learners have different approaches of capturing new instructions.

  1. Cognitive

These are traits attributed with how an individual learner remembers, perceives, solves issues, organizes and represents information, and how he thinks in his or her mind.

As a designer, I would like to obtain more information on what the learner already knows and the best learning style for each learner in the target group. This further information can be obtained through;

  1. Surveys, Interviews and questionnaires (with; members, and previous instructors of the target group)

  2. Published information

  3. Observations of the target group

  4. Records created by learners in the target group

After analyzing these learners’ characteristics, the designer must identify that all learners are unlike. Additionally, the designer must appreciate the fact that the learners are not like the designer (Birgili, 2013). Despite the fact that presence of a diverse learners (different ages , races and political views) in the target group is important, the designer must be alert not to fall into the trap of stereotyping any learner.

Context analysis

After analyzing the characteristics of the learners, it is also very important to analyze the learning and the performance context (Kurt, 2015). After the instructions are completed, performance context illustrates how the learners will use their newly acquired knowledge and skills. This information will help the designer to create a conducive learning environment. On the other hand, the motivation of learners towards learning is increased as they already know how they will transfer their knowledge into the rea world settings. When analyzing the performance context, the following factors should be considered;

  1. Site’s social aspects

This aspect tries to identify the set up where the learner will apply his or her new skills (work in a team, or independently or under a supervisor).

  1. Site’s physical aspects

Illustrates the physical context environment where the newly acquired will be used. These resources include: timing, tools, equipment and facilities.

  1. Supervisor or Managerial support

The instructions designers expect real world support to the learners after completing the instructions. Trainers, subject matter experts (SMEs), and managers must be included in the planning stages of the instruction teaching.

  1. Relevance of skills to Workplace or life

The learners must identify if the learnt skills are relevant in both their life and the actual world workplace.

Learning context

Learning context is the set up where the actual learning of new skills and knowledge takes place. Analyzing the learning context aims at familiarizing one with the facilities of learning and restrictions which might have an impact on the instruction’s design (Christopher, 2011). This analysis involves actual visits to the sites of learning. The following factors must be considered when analyzing the learning context;

  1. Sites compatibility with the instructional requirements

  2. Sites compatibility with the learners needs

  3. Feasibility for simulating the workplace

  4. Number and nature of sites

To gather more information about the learning context the following three steps can be followed;

  1. Schedule visits to the training site(s)

  2. Schedule interviews with instructors, managers and learners of the site

  3. Observe the site in use and imagine its usage for your instructions.

In conclusion, the more one knows his learners the better he streamlines and perfects his or her instruction. As the instructor, one is supposed to appreciate the diversity of his or her learners as a strength, however one must avoid assuming all learners are similar. Finally, analysis of the context is important as it assist in understanding the actual setting of where the learner will perform his or her skills and how they can transfer their knowledge and skills.

Reference list

Birgili, B. (2013). Comparison between Kemp, Smith & Ragan, Dick & Carey’s Instructional

Design Models.

Christopher, A. (2011). The Smith & Ragan model. Model Resource.

Kurt, S. (2015). Dick and Carey Instructional Model, in Educational
