Module 3 - Case PREPARING FOR THE NEGOTIATION Assignment Overview This Module 3 Case Assignment has two functions. First, it helps you develop and demonstrate your understanding of the topics in Modul

Module 4 - SLP


The OSHA Negotiation:

Your electrical contracting company managed to get a decent settlement from OSHA. The elevator shaft penalty was withdrawn, and you got a penalty reduction on the cord violation (provided you increase diligence on enforcing the cord inspection program). There was even a reduction you did not expect on the third violation. Your total penalty was reduced from $14,000 to $7,300.

Time to change hats:

In this SLP assignment, however, you are going to be asked to take off your OSHA negotiations hat and consider a different situation. Your electrical contracting company is considering bidding on a job to provide all of the electrical installation work for a Chinese general contractor who is building a manufacturing facility for its parent company (also from China) in your state.

Given the breakdown in trade barriers over the years and increased cultural diversity in our nation, an appreciation for cultural differences and consideration of international business negotiations may prove useful in your future dealings.

For this assignment, please read/review the articles in your background readings. Drawing on these materials and your other readings, prepare a 2- to 3-page paper in which you address the following question:

  • What considerations should be made when preparing to negotiate (and during negotiations) with individuals from other cultures and different countries? Use the “negotiation with a Chinese general contractor” referenced above as an example of a negotiation with one such individual from another culture and a different country.

Upload your assignment to the SLP 4 Dropbox. Be sure to review your TurnItIn Originality report. If the score is over 20%, you may not be writing in your own words, and you will need to contact your professor and arrange to revise and resubmit the paper.

SLP Assignment Expectations

The SLP papers in this course will be evaluated using the criteria as stated in the SLP rubric. The following is a review of the rubric criteria: 

  • Assignment-Driven Criteria: Does the paper cover all key elements of the assignment in a substantive way?

  • Critical Thinking: Does the paper demonstrate a college level of analysis in conceptualizing the problem? Are viewpoints and assumptions critically evaluated and synthesized in the formulation of a logical set of conclusions? Does the submission demonstrate that the student has read and understood the background materials for the module and can apply them to the assignment?

  • Scholarly Writing/Oral Communication: Does the student demonstrate college-level skill in scholarly written/oral communication to an appropriately specialized audience? 

  • Assignment Organization and Quality of References: Does the student demonstrate understanding of a consistent (e.g., APA) style of referencing, by inclusion of proper citations (for paraphrased text and direct quotations) as appropriate? Are appropriate sources from the background material included? Have all sources cited in the paper been included on the Reference page?

  • Timeliness: Has the assignment been submitted to TLC (Trident’s learning management system) on or before the module’s due date?