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Discrimination against Tattooed People



Discrimination against Tattooed People

Research Proposal

I wish to explore the workforce strategies on tattoos. My research topic will be to find out reasons why others discriminate against the tattooed. The research questions I will use are: What effect or influence does the location or the issue of the tattoo has (in the military officer’s opinion) of the tattooed individual? Different people in the military have diverse opinions on tattoos depending on the information they have. People with prior knowledge of tattoos differ in opinion with those who don’t. Generational differences and attitudes frequently surface in the workplace (Tews, Stafford & Kudler, 2020). How difficult is it to join the military with a tattoo? How are the tattooed workers (in the military) paid in their respective places? Since tattoos have become a common thing in society with diverse perceptions, I would also examine how the workplaces have or not changed places to accommodate the tattooed.

The topic focuses on academic discussions concerning professionalism at work; how the tattooed employees conduct themselves while at work. Nowadays, tattoos are more conventional, unlike in the past, when they did not have a role to play in culture. According to research done a few years ago, for 500 people aged over 18 and below 50, 24% have tattoos (Tews & Stafford, 2019). It implies that almost a quarter of the population is tattooed, and the number continues to increase. With the increase of tattoos, the perceptions about them may change. For instance, some may decide to have them inked. Inked is a slang word for being tattooed.

In relation to a survey conducted, discrimination against the tattooed individuals has considerably reduced in the five years (Muller, 2017). During recruitment in the military, the tattooed people do not qualify to join the military. The rejection to join the military kills the morale of the individual wishing to be recruited. I believe that I have enough knowledge about fundamental issues in the workplace, like the rules of displaying tattoos and the varying enforcement of tattoos. I will refer to different relevant articles that discuss the tattoo policies and their impact. Although I have dependable sources about the origin of tattoos in America and even in the region, I will link the sources with the current tattoo culture in the United States of America. I believe I will find how the managers view tattoos and the consequential effect in their careers. Therefore, my main research question is how I can teach the importance of not discriminating against the tattooed.

Purpose Statement

I aim to research to establish how I can teach the importance of discriminating against the tattooed workplaces. The research will identify the best methods and behaviors I can employ to create a favorable work environment for all.

Research Significance

This research will identify areas that need change to ensure accommodation of tattooed people in the workplace. This includes the recruitment criteria and treatment of tattooed employees in various work settings.

Research Scope

This research is limited to only what I can change since action research entails learning through action, which will pave the way for personal or professional development. Effects of discrimination against the tattooed are far-reaching because they extend beyond the victims and workplace to the larger community hence the need to positively affect recruitment in the future.

I will conduct this research for three weeks, and I will integrate critical reflection on my side. Besides, the research will involve military officers and key leaders of the organization. I will collect data through survey questionnaires.


In conducting this research, I will assume the position of an advocate whose vision is to break negative perceptions directed to people with tattoos and thus positively impact recruitment strategies in various organizations. Since I will conduct the research in my locality, there are chances that some participants know me. Therefore, I will disregard any relations and take a neutral stand to ensure I do not influence their opinions.


Key organizational leaders: Refers to the managers, administrators, and other people holding higher rank positions in the military.

Discrimination: Denotes prejudicial or unjust treatment of different categories of individuals on various grounds, and in this case, tattoos.

Positively Effect: To create a positive change concerning perceptions towards tattooed people and a change in their treatment during the recruitment process and in work settings.

Literature Review

Employment discrimination is an issue of concern in many fields. Passed in 1994, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act protects individuals from employment discrimination based on nationality, sex, religion, sex, color, and race. Even though the act protects these categories, it leaves many unprotected, for example, the tattooed people (Mueller, 2017). Thus, a person with a tattoo may have no legal course if subjected to discrimination.

Even though body modification has undergone a renaissance, tattooed people are subjects of negative perceptions. Often, tattoos are viewed and described as creating stigma despite becoming more acceptable of late. The stigmas associated with tattoos result in negative stereotypes that prompt people to disregard individual differences and create generalizations that may not be correct (Broussard & Harton, 2018).

Recent studies on tattoos indicate that most people view tattooed men as less healthy and dominant. On the side of women, they are viewed as promiscuous, less religious, less intelligent, less honest, and less motivated. The perception of heavy alcohol consumption cuts across both males and females with tattoos (Hill, 2016). Also, tattoos induce negative judgments concerning the attractiveness of tattooed people, which forms part of the negative stereotypes, which is one of the causes of discrimination (Timming, 2015). In the workplace, attractive people are perceived as more sociable and successful and possess desirable traits, unlike their tattooed counterparts. Employers in different fields have been found to settle on hiring decisions based on the job applicant's attractiveness and appearance. They consider looks, and their hiring indicates this.

During hiring, the selection process is very significant due to the performance value and production organizations obtain by ensuring appropriate hires and the cost incurred by replacing taskforce after making bad hires. Because most people hold negative perceptions and stereotypes concerning tattooed individuals, the negative views play a part in selection discrimination. Discrimination evidence is clear when scrutinizing company guidelines. Various organizations have formal policies banning body modification, which is the case even in the military. Marine has banned quarter, half, or full sleeve tattoos while prohibiting wrist, finger, and hand tattoos. The Air Force bans tattooing of parts above the collarbone, and people with tattoos in the highlighted areas are not hired (Faw, 2011).

Discrimination against tattoos directly impacts ethnic minorities as their probability of having body ink is high. Organizations should not discriminate tattooed people despite what the tattoo is. Perceptions towards potential recruits should focus on merit rather than skin, as this promotes equality.

Conceptual Framework

This research aims to compile quantitative and qualitative data from employees and key leaders on perceptions and feelings concerning hiring and working with tattooed people. Collecting and synthesizing this data will lead to conclusions that will inform the organization and me on various perceptions that have historically discriminated people with tattoos during hiring processes. Findings from the research will help me create awareness on areas that I need to change to create a healthy work environment in the military.

Research Method

This action research method aims to create more positive perceptions of workers and employers towards tattooed people. It also aims to positively transform my behavior and methods in recruiting more people to create awareness against discrimination of people with tattoos. In conducting the research, I will use survey questionnaires to collect quantitative and qualitative data that I will analyze and synthesize to respond appropriately to the issue of discrimination against tattooed people during and after recruitment. The survey questions will identify the perceptions un-tattooed military officers have on their tattooed counterparts besides establishing the impact the perceptions create on people with tattoos in their workplace.

Research Setting

I will conduct the research within the military base's restrictions and the offices of the key leaders in the military. The researcher will focus on perceptions towards tattooed military officers from their fellows and their leaders' perspective. Current military officers in the base will answer the survey questions, including a section of those with tattoos.

Data collection

The researcher will use survey questionnaires to collect data for the research. I will employ two survey question documents, one qualitative and the other quantitative. I will use the following interview as my primary data collection method.

 Survey Questionnaire: Answer the following questions.


SURVEY ITEM (Qualitative)

What are some of the ways you have seen tattoos affect the way that people are perceived by fellow employees?

What is the perception of tattoos by employers?

Why do you believe people get tattoos?

What are some of the problems that people with tattoos encounter? How can these be overcome? What are some ways that people could be more informed about tattoos?

If someone you knew asked you for advice about getting a tattoo, what are some of the “do’s” and “don’ts” that you might suggest?

 Survey Questionnaire: Answer the following questions and select your answer based on 1- Strongly Agree through 5- Strongly disagree.


SURVEY ITEM (Quantitative)

I can effectively perform my duties working with others that have tattoos?

Do you judge tattoos by the looks of them?

Do you think there is a reason behind people that get tattoos branded into their skin?

Would you consider someone criminally that has more than one tattoo?

Can you still perform your duties by working with employees that have tattoos?

Would you treat people or employees that have tattoos differently?

The questionnaires above will serve as the data collection techniques for this action research. The questionnaires will revolve around the questions; what are employees and employers' perceptions towards tattooed individuals? If I positively transform the perceptions, what will impact the hiring process and treatment of tattooed personnel? Answers to these questions will help me develop an ideal action plan concerning appropriate ways to handle individuals with tattoos during and after recruitment exercises in the military department.

Data Analysis

In scrutinizing the collected quantitative and qualitative data, I will search for themes and patterns that will help me to establish areas that require reformation. I will capture the data in a list and note the commonly repeated responses in each qualitative question. Quantitative questions will attempt to understand the underlying factors and create generalizations.

Research procedure

The literature review has already equipped me with knowledge in various areas of interest, such as common reasons for discrimination against tattooed people. In this research, I will endeavor to identify if the collected data aligns with the literature and collect any other new information. Having this information will create a platform for an appropriate response to the issue.

Subsequently, I will select key leaders from the military base and over 30 military officers, educate them about the research project, make my position concerning the research project clear, and seek official permission from the organization to use the research project's information.

Within the three-week research period, I will have an oral discussion with interviewees who consented to the use of their responses in the research project. I will compile and analyze their data to identify themes and patterns that will help me identify areas that require reformation during and after hiring that concern tattooed people.

I will record this research project's findings in a word document and share them within my organization and other parties involved in recruitment exercises. Doing so stands a better chance of creating positive change among different individuals on their perceptions of people with tattoos in the military.


Broussard, K. A., & Harton, H. C. (2018). Tattoo or taboo? Tattoo stigma and negative attitudes toward tattooed individuals. The Journal of social psychology158(5), 521-540.

Faw, L. (2011). Visible tattoos and other corporate no-nos. Forbes. Retrieved September 25. 2020, from https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbeswomanfiles/2011/10/25/visible-tattoos-and-other-corporate-no-nos/#2acd545a7afc

Hill, B. M. (2016). Body Modifications: Perceptions of Tattoos and the Examination of Gender, Tattoo Location, and Tattoo Size.

Mueller, K. (2017). Biases in the Selection Process Against Applicants with Tattoos (Doctoral dissertation, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville).

Tews, M. J., & Stafford, K. (2019). The Relationship Between Tattoos and Employee Workplace Deviance. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 43(7), 1025-1043.

Tews, M. J., Stafford, K., & Kudler, E. P. (2020). The influence of tattoo content on perceptions of employment suitability across the generational divide. Journal of Personnel Psychology.

Timming, A. R. (2015). Visible tattoos in the service sector: a new challenge to recruitment and selection. Work, employment and society29(1), 60-78.