need editing in this essay

Shakeel 6

Ahmed Shakeel

Prof. Vote

ENG 111

October 8, 2020

Article - The End of White America

Hua Hsu is an American writer who wrote the article titled "The End of White America.” As I read the article, I felt what content was in the article in that Hua Hsu is trying to show his perception of the erosion of "whiteness" in the United States. The main idea was to eliminate racism and promote freedom and justice to all American residents without bias based on race, religion, and other backgrounds. Hua Hsu continues to challenge the White Americans to fit in the new lifestyle even if they believe in being culturally broke (Fazio & Hsu, 2019). According to Hua Hsu, at the end of white America, respect for culture should be an inevitable practice for all American residents despite an individual's race. However, there are several issues I cannot understand regarding the article. What will it mean to be white when whiteness no longer exists? Does it mean that the United States to be will be less racially divided?

The article's impact on readers is to familiarize them with the importance of the end of whiteness in America. Politics will be done on a fair platform in that a black American can serve leadership positions in the United States. Also, music artists got the chance to develop their talents such that African hip hop crackers enjoyed the trend of their produced music. The election of Barrack Obama is a manifestation of a larger trend of erosion of whiteness in America. I support Hua Hsu's idea because creating equal opportunities among individuals helps boost economic growth. The symbolic impact behind hip-hop music can demonstrate economic growth in the United States. Hip-hop's colonization and involvement of African artists, including Eminem, led to the rise of dancing competitions in Asia that enabled specific individuals to earn a living, eradicating poverty in the United States (Fazio & Hsu, 2019). Besides, the transformation o music led to the build of cultural confidence among black Americans, making them feel that whiteness is no longer a threat to them.

Hua Hsu wrote this article to convince the Americans to adopt the idea. He proved that it is a suitable method of bringing positive change in Whites' lifestyle. The erosion of whiteness will attract people from diverse communities into the country, aiming to develop their entrepreneurial skills, thus boosting economic growth. The idea is not based on any political or racial bias, even if Hua Hsu is a Chinese immigrant in America (Fazio & Hsu, 2019). Also, the writer's field of specialization shows no interest in becoming a politician in the future. The main agenda is to promote equality among all residents in the United States. The article informs the readers on certain events that happened in the 1920s when whiteness was embraced in the United States. There was the rise of pop music that brought a few changes in the American culture. The Americans were radically reshaped in the way the listen to and consume music. Generally, hip-hop was not just a musical genre but rather a philosophy, a political statement, and also a way of approaching and remarking culture. It led to increased economic growth in the United States due to increased fashion, advertising, and film work.

The content in the article is well organized and easily understood by most readers. It means that Hua Hsu reaches the target audience to this article since when they read it, they immediately capture the idea being suggested. The target audience includes professionals who understand the importance of equality. Eventually, there can be campaigns to advocate for enabling black people to enjoy equal opportunities with Whites. Also, students are the target audience because they are part of the country's young, intelligent generation who will act as tomorrow's leaders. Hua Hsu uses art to illustrate concepts in the article symbolically. A good example that is not easy to interpret is the gallery transplant by Guy Billout (Fazio & Hsu, 2019). It requires a reader with a high level of intelligence quotient to understand. Hua Hsu has great authority and influence as a writer of this article because his career and work show that he is an expert in the written content. He is a tenured associate professor of English and director of American Studies at Vassar College. Therefore, he has adequate communication skills to deliver information to any target audience. Also, he works with the departments dealing with immigrant culture in the United States and the public view of diversity and multiculturalism. This article's timeline is timeless because it continues to bring a positive transformation in America each day. The latest trend that supported Hua's idea is Barack Obama's win in the 2008 presidential elections in the United States. Despite being a black American, he defeated Mitt Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts. The article covers the topic comprehensively, including the history behind the end of white in America. Indeed, the piece is of great significance to the immigrants in the United States because it sensitizes them to respect the black originators who campaigned to erosion whiteness. Today, the United States immigrants are treated fairly; hence feel safe to live in any state and become American citizens either through marriage or naturalization.

Besides, the article is a scholarly journal. It contains high quality research that has been written and reviewed by experts in the field prior to publication including Hua Hsu and Felix Sockwell (Fazio & Hsu, 2019). For this reason, it is very comprehensive to the readers. Hua Hsu’s tone in this article is very critical that demands readers to be very keen to understand what he really means with the idea of erosion of whiteness. The application of the critical thinking skills by the readers will help them make the best decision regarding the idea because they have both its positive and negative impacts.

The tools and techniques of analysis and evaluation of an article have been used in this paper. Evaluation techniques include purpose of the article, organization of the content, existence of any type of bias, and also the usefulness of the article to the readers. The tools of analysis included are how I have felt Hua Hsu’s idea and the information that has not been clearly understood. Lastly, I formulated my own opinion on the subject matter and in this case, I supported Hua Hsu’s idea.

Work Cited

Fazio, M., & Hsu, H. (2019). Taking Action: Writing To End White Supremacy. Radical Teacher, 115, 85-87.