Please find the question and attached answer. I want you to modify the answer document. Source link is already present in the Answer document. Please make sure go through question document and modify


Assignment: Write and submit for marking a Persuasive Paragraph that conforms to the guidelines below.

Choose one question and answer it.

Do you agree with Chimamanda Adichie's concept of the Danger of a Single Story?  OR

Do you agree with Sir Ken Robinson and his thesis that schools kill creativity?

Date Due: Thursday, September 24 by 11:30 p.m. at the beginning of class.

Format: The paragraph will be typed using a clear, size 12 font; double-spaced.

While this assignment does not require a cover page, the title of the paragraph (Persuasive Paragraph) should be centred at the top of the page. The student’s name should be placed directly under the title.

Expectations: The paragraph should be written using the guidelines taught in class. These include, but are not limited to the following:

The paragraph should be 7-12 sentences in length and should have a clear, concise topic sentence. Three points (1-3 sentences each) that support/develop the topic sentence and focus on persuading the reader should follow. The method(s) of persuasion used may include one or more of those taught in class. An effective concluding sentence should end the paragraph.

Unless otherwise stipulated, all assignments should be written in formal English.

Evaluation: The assignment will be evaluated using the rubric. 

Reminders: The levels of thought, content, writing, and expression are expected to be of a quality consistent with that of an ACE level student.