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The danger of single story:


As we were here in our daily life different kinds of stories through newspapers, TV , social media etc. and we started to believe in those things reading or seeing on a single side of the story. Even not knowing the truth of the story we assume what we hear or read is the only truth and we start to act like we know everything about that story. But the thing is we did not know the other side of the story and we did not try to find ourselves as well.


           But after watching the video I totally agree with Miss Chimamanda that why we never try to dig the other side of the story. There are always two sides of a story positive and negative but people always want to hear the propaganda kind of thing and the world is only focusing on negativity. What we believe in, what we hear and see, hence we start to comment on it too.What see says good things about Mexico and Africa which i never heard about because we never intend to look about it.Surprisingly that i never visited both countries and of course we have more things to believe what others told us.We only heard poverty in africa, people try to forcely immigrate in USA.


          Now I start to think that the media start to manipulate the people and want us to believe them. Therefore what we can say little bit of knowledge is dangerous. For the educated people like us it is very easy to show you one sided path because we trust easily to TV and newspapers. Sometimes it also drag us to and debate and make us stupid even not knowing another side of story. Now I recommend to the government that what Television and newspapers show us should be evaluated and then only published or broadcast.