Answer the questions below and the discussion. 1. What did Benny Goodman do after his “Let’s Dance” show was cancelled and how did this lead to his being “crowned” the “King of Swing”? 2.

The End of the Swing Era Several factors combine to bring the swing era to an end. The United States entrance into World War II caused many musicians to get drafted or enlist. Along with this came gas and rubber rationing. Keeping a band on the road became almost impossible. The more famous bands survived but many of the road bands died out. A recording ban enacted in 1942 ceased all recording of union musicians. This and battles over royal ties from ASCAP (The American Society of Composer, Authors and Publishers) caused the absence of any new music and many radio stations would not play any ASCAP licensed existing music . A link follows with an excellent original article from Down Beat Magazine at the time. Another factor was simply that America was ready for something new. The swing band era had a remarkable ten year run. As the troops came home from Worl d War II they were ready to get on with their lives and leave the war years behind them. It was a new day with a new cold war, atomic weapons and ever growing suburbs. Many peo ple left the cities and dance halls to raise families in the peaceful , clean new suburbs. Many jazz musicians themselves had grown weary of the big band format. Bands such as Glen Miller ’s had commercialized and sanitized the music so much that it hardly resembled the rough, improvised music that it came out of. Jazz left the ballrooms and dance halls and retreated back to the clubs.