Hello, I have need help writing an essay(3 pages) for my English class. I've attached a file that has all the info about the essay. so I was wondering if somebody could help me with that. Thanks.



English 126


Problem in World

Currently, there are many problems that the world is facing which run from nuclear weapons, conflicts in the Middle East, starvation in Africa among others. Though these problems could be serious in a way, I tend to think that the problem which is affecting the world is an environmental problem and particularly global warming. According to Albert Gore “in the 21st century, global warming is going to become the greatest challenge” So what is this problem? Why did Albert think so? And is there any solution to the problem? global warming can be defined as the rise of normal temperatures for the earth's troposphere as well as the oceans over a period of time.

This is the greenhouse gas that is released due to the activities of the human, running from industry to urbanization. Besides, Sky News on August 03, 2009, stated that warm sun might result in to increase in global temperature in the 5years to come than what experts had forecast.

The activities of humans and the emission of carbon dioxide will result in global warming, though we have got other factors that might result in this. More so, global warming is caused by human factors and natural factors. The effects that occur due to global warming can be cited around the globe.

The problems comprise the increase in the levels of rainfall, which leads to floods as well as an increase in drought in other areas. These are the problem for humans and animals. Making things worse, Dr.Neville Nicholas of Geography and Science at the University of Monash states that the greenhouse gases could stay in the atmosphere up to hundreds as well as thousands of years. These indicate that, if anything is done, global warming will still have effects on the globe.

Factors that affect an increase in the temperature are; melting of the ice caps. We have got 5773000cubic mile for waters in the icing caps, permanent snow as well as glaciers. Levels of the sea will rise by 25 meters by 2100. This causing globe’s ecosystem to be out of balance. Icecaps are freshwater; in case they dissolve, they will lead to desalination of the ocean’s making them and have less salt.

Shutting down of streams or the irregularity will cool the area, which is found to the west of Europe. Also, global warming might snowball with icecaps, which are gone. The ice cap is white, and it usually leads to the reflection of the sun back to space. In case the ice cap melts, then the lone reflector which remains is the ocean. For darker colors, they absorb sunlight, hence warming the earth. Other consequences that stand predicted for global warming are the heavy downpour together with frequent and strong hurricanes that result in floods. Though some of the places of the earth become wet as a result of warming, we have others suffering from serious droughts and waves of heatwaves. How can we slow down global warming? Though there are harmful effects due to global warming, what we can deal with in this case is limited due to the carbon dioxide emissions that can be lessened by the regulations of the government and the effects of a corporation. More so, it requires cooperation among the countries, but this might take longer than usual because of the conflicts of the interests of the country. People can do what they can to slow down the rate of global warming where they might adopt to carpooling.

Carpooling is driving with people to the places where you headed. Through this, we will be able to minimize greenhouse gases which are emitted into the air by cars. The other thing which people have to do is being careful concerning leaving things like lights as well as electronics turned on. Most individuals are taking their time away from television, besides spending most of their time out-door. It will be of big help to our planet. Currently, we have got more people who are riding buses, walking to work, and using bicycles, which are vital in lowering greenhouse gases in the air.

Though we have got different measures which are being taken the best method for solving the case of global warming is through “Banning plastic bags and lighting the bulbs” Through this method, greenhouses gasses will be reduced, and this will solve the problem of global warming. In this, we will have to consider the waste from the wasteful bags and the insufficient bulbs. Before, one carries worry about how they are going to take their groceries between other things: Recyclable bags and the cloth that can reuse more efficiently compact the fluorescent bulbs. If this method can adopt, then the problem is going to be solved completely.

In the current world, the biggest problem that is impacting the globe is the globe’s warming. Due to harmful outcomes of the globe’s warming, it is widespread as well as concentrated as seen to be depressed Super Typhoon Haiyan for central Philippines province, Lyte. We have got the responsibility for keeping the earth to hand over healthy earth to the offerings. We have to be more concerned about this case and the other environmental issues.

If there is something that the human race has to be very careful with and adapt the given strategy for solving is global warming. For this, if the effect occurs, then we can count on being impacted negatively. Global warming might affect all the creatures, and we might end up losing what we use to call a haven for us due to the rise in sickness and hunger that could negatively impact us. Finally, the transfer of deeper oceans occurs slower than the transfer of heat within the air or upper layer of the ocean. Results to transient periods usually mean globe average surface temperatures at any given time are lower than temperatures, which will be prevailing after the redistribution has finished.

Cited Work

McMullen, Catherine P., and Jason R. Jabber. Climate Change Science Compendium 2009. UNEP/Earthprint, 2009.

Rogers, David P., and Vladimir V. Tsirkunov. Weather and Climate Resilience: Effective Preparedness through National Meteorological and Hydrological Services. World Bank Publications, 2013.