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Sophocles, Oedipus the King

Part of the power of this play comes from the many ironies in it. When the town needs saving, it turns to the one who saved them before--Oedipus--because the townspeople think he's tapped into the knowledge of the gods. Goodness, are they wrong or what!

Answer the following questions: Keep in mind that this is an English class; therefore, proofread your answer carefully before submitting, for I will take off points for misspelled words as well as unclear answers. (Good luck).

  1. What is the specific setting for the play Oedipus?

  1. Who told Jocasta and Laius that their son would kill his father and marry his mother?

  1. Oedipus was reared in what city?

By whom was Oedipus reared?

4.___________ 5__________

6. Name the place where Oedipus killed his father.

The sphinx has the body of a (an) 7____________, the head of a 8___________, and the wings of a 9._______________

10. What was the riddle of the sphinx?

Oedipus and Jocasta have 4 children. Name 2.

11___________ 12_______

13. Describe the plague that has struck the city of Thebes?

Name the two persons Oedipus accused the plotting against him.

14_____________ 15_____________

16. Who tells Oedipus that his adopted father is dead?

17. Define the term, hubris.

18. Name the mountain on which Oedipus resolves to spend his Life.

19. __________is a group of Theban elders who are not privy to everything.

Name 3 functions of the Chorus. 20.______21___________. 22.________________.

State two themes for the play, Oedipus the King, and write a brief explanation for each one.

23. Theme ____________________

24. Theme ____________________

25. Identify one character trait of Oedipus, the King. State the character trait and provide a brief description.

Post your response in Discussion Forum. Be sure to respond to one other person.


Imagine you are a psychiatrist who has conducted a series of interviews with Oedipus. In a well-developed paragraph, write what you consider to be a professional assessment of his character and condition, giving recommendations for future treatment. (200 words)