who can do this

Please write a 3- to 4-paragraph, 400 word minimum comparing and contrasting mechanical (physical) and chemical weathering. Detail the processes that are important in each and provide a discussion of weathering phenomena (e.g., frost wedging) that the book details.  How is weathering related to soil formation? Your essay should be accompanied by a citation list in MLA or scientific format with at least three citations.  Don't forget to include the website address for any online citations.  One of your citations may be the textbook.  Two must be external.  Please read the rules for acceptable types of citations and references in the introductory material (e.g., wikipedia is not acceptable).  Please include references within the text of your essay that relate to your citation list (i.e., let me know where you have used material in your text from your citation sources).  You may have no more than two quotes of no more than two sentences each in your text.  Originality must be evaluated using SafeAssign with a similarity index below 25%.  Your grade will be based on approximately 60% for content, 20% for grammar and spelling, and 20% for citations and references.  You are responsible for submitting your essay to Blackboard before the deadline.  To submit to Blackboard click on the heading and follow the directions on that page for uploading a digital file or pasting into the assignment textbox.  Late submissions will not be accepted.  You MUST submit to Blackboard by the deadline to obtain credit for your work.