2. Based on Erevelles and Minear’s article, discuss how intersectionality can be applied to your understanding of either Junius Wilson or Cassie Smith’s situation. ( THE FILES ARE ATTACHED BELLOW) wa

2. Based on Erevelles and Minear’s article, discuss how intersectionality can be applied to your understanding of either Junius Wilson or Cassie Smith’s situation. ( THE FILES ARE ATTACHED BELLOW)  wa 1

Be Tellin' Me

People tell me

what they think

a black deaf female is

People tell me

what they think

they know

what a black deaf female is

People tell me

they know the deal

behind all deals

just a simple solution

mix in the deaf culture,

add an equal amount of

black culture,

stir until smooth,

pronto, the black deaf culture,

I say

excuse my standard English, but


I don't take no






half-here part-this culture,


I be cookin' up my own recipe,

spicy, like mama taught me,

no, don't need your bowl,

thank you very much

only I be

tcllin' me

what a blakdcafemale is.

by Kristi Merriweather (2009)