i dont know how to write a comparison essay

i dont know how to write a comparison essay 1

Text Comprehension and Analysis

Analyze and compare the following two texts.

Discuss the similarities and differences between the texts and their theme(s). Include comments on the ways the authors use elements such as structure, tone, images and other stylistic devices to communicate their purposes.

Ensure you complete one of the planning forms prior to writing the essay. All essays should be completed in the notebook. Please time yourself. Word count for Language A: 800 words.

Text A: The Negro

"The Negro

I am a Negro:
Black as the night is black,
Black like the depths of my Africa.

I’ve been a slave:
Caesar told me to keep his door-steps clean.
I brushed the boots of Washington.
I’ve been a worker:
Under my hand the pyramids arose.
I made mortar for the Woolworth Building.

I’ve been a singer:
All the way from Africa to Georgia
I carried my sorrow songs.
I made ragtime.
I’ve been a victim:
The Belgians cut off my hands in the Congo.
They lynch me still in Mississippi.
I am a Negro:
Black as the night is black,
Black like the depths of my Africa.

Langston Hughes

Text B: Murder Culturei dont know how to write a comparison essay 2

Comparison and Contrast Essay: Point by Point Methodi dont know how to write a comparison essay 3

Comparison and Contrast Essay: Block Methodi dont know how to write a comparison essay 4

Tips on poem analysis

Read with a pencil: Mark it up; write in the margins; react to it; get involved with it. Circle important, or striking, or repeated words. Draw lines to connect related ideas. Mark difficult or confusing words, lines, and passages. read through the poem, several times.

Examine the basic subject of the poem: Consider the title of the poem and your initial impression of the poem's subject. What is the poem's basic situation? try to unfold it by paraphrasing the poem. What is the author's attitude toward his subject? Serious? Reverent? Ironic? Satiric? Ambivalent? Hostile? Humorous? Detached? Witty? Does the poem appeal to a reader's intellect? Emotions? Reason?

Consider the context of the poem: Are there any allusions (An allusion is when a person or author makes an indirect reference in speech, text, or song to an event or figure. Often the allusions made are to past events or figures, but sometimes allusionsare made to current famous people or events.) to other literary or historical figures or events? How do these add to the poem? How are they appropriate? What do you know about this poet? About the age in which he or she wrote this poem? About other works by the same author?

Study the form of the poem
  • Consider the sound and rhythm of the poem. Is there a metrical pattern? If so, how regular is it? Does the poet use rhyme? What do the meter and rhyme emphasize? Is there any alliteration? Assonance? Onomatopoeia? How do these relate to the poem's meaning? What effect do they create in the poem?

  • Are there divisions within the poem? Marked by stanzas? By rhyme? By shifts in subject? By shifts in perspective? How do these parts relate to each other? How are they appropriate for this poem?

  • How are the ideas in the poem ordered? Is there a progression of some sort? From simple to complex? From outer to inner? From past to present? From one place to another? Is there a climax of any sort?

  • What are the form and genre of this poem? What should you expect from such a poem? How does the poet use the form?

Look at the word choice of the poem
  • One way to see the action in a poem is to list all its verbs. What do they tell you about the poem?

  • Are there difficult or confusing words? Even if you are only the slightest bit unsure about the meaning of a word, look it up in a good dictionary. A good poet uses language very carefully; as a good reader you in turn must be equally sensitive to the implications of word choice.

  • What mood is evoked in the poem? How is this accomplished? Consider the ways in which not only the meanings of words but also their sound and the poem's rhythms help to create its mood.

  • Is the language in the poem abstract (vocabulary that signifies a concept, quality, or abstract idea) or concrete (nouns and descriptions of thing you experience through your senses: smoke, mist, a shout. They help us describe things and are specific)? How is this appropriate to the poem's subject?

  • Are there any consistent patterns of words? For example, are there several references to flowers, or water, or politics, or religion in the poem? Look for groups of similar words.

  • Does the poet use figurative language? Are there metaphors in the poem? Similes? Is there any personification? Consider the appropriateness of such comparisons. Try to see why the poet chose a particular metaphor as opposed to other possible ones. Is there a pattern of any sort to the metaphors? Is there any metonymy in the poem? Hyperbole? Oxymoron? Paradox? A dictionary of literary terms may be helpful here.

Tips on poster analysis

  • What is the purpose?

  • What is the main topic/theme?

  • Study the layout: Images, size, title, words, colour scheme used, font used (shape and size). Do the choices make the poster more efficient?

  • Study the language: simple, complicated? Emotive or objective? Direct or indirect? Does it serve the purpose? Is there a use of idioms? Figurative language?

Compare and Contrast Essay



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