Choose your favorite location. This can be a place in your home, a vacation destination, or a location that you visit frequently. The place can be a real place, or it can be a place that only exists i

The Calm of the Mind

Krystal Tinsley

Daymar College


Mark Helm

September 12, 2020

The Calm of the Mind

Traveling to a place where you can escape worries of life for a few days or a week, where the sun beams over the crystal blue water, where you can appease all your problems for the time being, where the waves play a lovely melody, the white featherlike sand tickling between your toes, reminiscing about life. The beach clears your mind, changes your sadness to happiness, and lets your imagination roam and imagine you are in heaven. No one never said it would last forever, just enjoy the moment while it lasts.

Running through the thick and white sand, that made summertime memories that could last a lifetime, anxiously approaching the water, spinning in a circle with a humongous smile upon my face. Enjoying the waves as they splash by me, the smell of the salty air and fish tickled my nose as I breathe in the fresh air, the reflection of the smiles on other faces from enjoyment as they frolic in the waves. Everyone enjoying the moment and forgot there is always a monstrous wave that always carry you under or back towards shore, luckily, no one was taken under as everyone laughed from the huge wave moving them to shore.

As you walk away from the crystal water and make way to the soft sand to relax, close your eyes, listen to the sounds of the waves as they sing their lullaby, and just imagine. The peaceful breeze rolling across your skin, the beautiful sound of the seagulls as they fly by, the sound of the ocean lifeguards flying across to make sure everyone is at safety and not in harm, as I lay here I am at peace. Thinking about what if this could last forever, not think about the stress or job I must go back to once this peaceful trip is over. I still lay here in this beautiful soft sand and imagine. Savoring the moment and not living with regret!


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