On the two attached files the length should be 200 words. I have all the ideas I wanted to say but I went beyond the word limitations. ALL I WANT TO DO IS TO MAKE THE TWO DOCUMENTS 200 WORDS EACH WH

Covid-19 and Reasons

Covid-19 took the world by surprise and put it to a stop for a while. Since the onset of the pandemic, nothing has been expected. From personal experience, my job is essential to the family. The pandemic made going to work difficult, as there were lockdowns and rationing of employees to reduce overcrowding at work. A few weeks into the pandemic, my uncle suffered a heart attack and was hospitalized. Due to the social restriction, seeing him was not easy. Conversely, the limitation of social gatherings such as funerals and weddings also affected me during this period. During this time, my foster grandmother was diagnosed with cancer, but I could not see her because she was old and the virus is harmful to people with bad health condition. Upon passing away, I still could not get together with the rest of the family to pay my final respect. The pandemic denied me the right closure I needed to make peace with her death, considering how close we were. Such situations set me back academically, as they exerted a lot of mental stress and pressure on me. 

Despite such difficulties, I am doing my level best and working extra hard to ensure I attain my educational goals. I acknowledge that challenges will always be there and that it is up to me to find the best way to handle such situations without interfering with my academics. Currently, I am getting good grades and working hard on my transfer application despite all the hurdles caused by the covid-19 pandemic. I'm confident that you will see significant improvements in the next assessments.