On the two attached files the length should be 200 words. I have all the ideas I wanted to say but I went beyond the word limitations. ALL I WANT TO DO IS TO MAKE THE TWO DOCUMENTS 200 WORDS EACH WH

Grade issues:

Academics have always been my stronghold for as long as I can recall. I have never had severe schoolwork struggles, and neither did I ever think I would find myself in that situation. Come 2019, the situation changed, and things started heading in a different direction than I was used to; I never saw it coming. Nothing about 2019 seemed normal to me, both in school and away from school. If, before this year, someone had told me that personal issues could affect other aspects of your life, I would have dismissed them with a confident "not possible." However, 2019 proved to me that I was wrong. It became clear that family circumstances can do more than impair you academically; they can damage you mentally and drastically change the way you do things. It all started with losing a close family member, which struck me and took me aback for a while. This marked the beginning of losing concentration at school and slowly drifting away from school. The problem with such things is that you are confined in a little box of misery, and you barely notice whatever is happening to you unless an observant brings it to your knowledge. 

Just when I thought I was making progress towards healing; my sister went through a very rough divorce that almost took from us everything we had in terms of resources. We had to be there for her as a family, as the divorce took a great toll on her, especially her mental health. We battled through a better period of 2019, hoping for things to get better with time. Later on that year, things got a little tight, and I had to find work to support my brother, who resides in Egypt. Juggling school and work took a toll on my studies, and my grades spiraled downwards all at once. I missed most out on most of my classes and assignments while trying to work. 

Trying to balance family, work, and school became stressful and depressing. The pressure of keeping up with school while performing well at work drained me emotionally, mentally, and physically. I knew something had to be done. I landed into a state of confusion and almost ran into depression until a close friend recommended a psychiatrist who also acted as my mentor. With his help, I navigated through the murky waters of stress, confusion, and pressure. However, by this time, my academic life was almost in shambles, and I had failed most of my classes. I had to retake some of them and strategize on how to move on from there. 

However, bad the situation, I was able to spring back on my feet with my advisor's help. It did not take long for me to get back to my usual academic habits. My failure in those classes is not an indication of poor multi-tasking abilities but is just an indication of the psychological effects of stress on academics. With the proper guidance and advice, I can fully recover and attain an excellent academic status. Despite the negative impacts these events had on my academics, I am grateful that the vents exposed me to better ways of dealing with such issues. The experience strengthened a side of me that was weak, and no, I am at a better place to balance work with academics without succumbing to pressure or stress.