The following questions are designed to help you think critically about the readings. Dialogue with cohort members to expand understanding of the leadership concepts in this module and their applicati

Needs Assessment

As you select your organization for the key assignment you will need to determine what methods you will employ in conducting an organizational needs assessment. A needs assessment reveals what gaps exist between where the organization and its employees should be performing and where they are currently. Sometimes this is as a result of a change such as new technology, or there may be a lack of training in particular competencies, or perhaps there is a structure or process in that organization that is causing an issue. Whatever gaps or needs are revealed in the assessment form the foundation from which to build the human resource development (HRD) plan for the organization. There are a number of ways to approach such an assessment. Please review consider the following as you determine what methods and information you will incorporate into your needs assessment.

-Start from the organization's goals and objectives, are there any gaps in performance?

-Review a variety of HR metrics such as employee turnover, absentee rates, and even performance evaluation metrics, if available. Employee exit interviews can also be very revealing regarding issues in the organization related to the people in the organization and how they are being trained, managed, and engaged.

-Review business metrics (profits, costs, quality indicators) to include accidents, product rework numbers, and customer complaints.

-Consider whether you can obtain adequate information online or from internal company records, or whether you will need to conduct any additional interviews or surveys yourself to capture the perspectives of the employees and leadership of the organization.

-Review a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) or PESTLE (Pollical, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal, and Environmental) assessment of the organization, if one is available, or conduct one yourself as you analyze the HRD needs of the organization.