What needs did you uncover in the organization you chose for the key assignment? Which can be improved with training or employee development and which require an organizational development interventio

Military Recruiting

As an active-duty military recruiter and a leader of my recruitment team, I need to develop an assessment for recruiting requirements. These needs will enable me to develop a satisfactory HRD plan. This is due to the volunteers' diverse nature, race, where they come from, their education level, their physical capabilities, and even communication capabilities.

The assessment methods are based on research using the massive open online courses (MOOCs) involving econometric analyses with rich data sets (Dertouzos & Garber, n.d.). In the first step, I will check the career paths of the potential recruits. As a recruiter, I will also have to evaluate the personal characteristics of the recruiters. More so, I will have to link these characteristics to the recruiters’ productivity while controlling other factors. Thirdly, the plan will focus on station-level enlisting outcomes. This will be done with a close focus on the management possibilities that can interfere with a recruiter's productivity and efforts. These important considerations will give various HRD policies that can help achieve the military recruitment requirements.

The findings have numerous implications for the HRD policies in selecting active-duty officers for enlisting duty, allocating the recruiters the postings, the missioning to enhance fairness among recruiters, and planning to improve recruiter efficiency. Also, motivating and rewarding recruiters through promotions while cutting out recruiters who are under-performing. This multifaceted approach is very cost-effective. As the officer tasked with the daily running of enlisting resources, including analysts and investigators involved in cross-examination of military mobilization behavior, this work is essential. I will have to evaluate the skills of the recruiting officers involved. They have to be knowledgeable, confident, and competent in their capabilities as military officers (Anderson, 2018). They have to know the weaknesses and strengths within the military to empathize with the learners and understand their challenges.

The recruiters need to know how to tailor the learning environment for the recruits more effectively. As recruiters, we are leaders, and so we are responsible for the ones we lead. We are obliged to ensure the proper placement of mechanisms to realize the highest standard of learning. Additionally, the assessment will incorporate examinations at the end of each study. In the cohort, we will have a properly organized peer evaluation and discussion forums. To my esteemed team, I will issue instructor rating forms. We will also do an online test on the IQ and EQ of the recruiters.

At the end of the assessment period, I will collect and evaluate the quality and quantity of the data. The effectiveness of the data determines how effective my plan will be. With a better HRD plan, my recruit officers will be better and more experienced in leading, teaching, mentoring, and training recruits into the military to conduct their missions effortlessly after qualifying for operations.


Anderson, B. (2018, October 15). The U.S. Army’s 5 Best Recruiting Tactics—and How You Can Deploy Them. Retrieved from Linkedin: https://www.zippia.com/army-recruiter-jobs/skills/

Dertouzos, J. N., & Garber, S. (n.d.). Human Resource Management and Army Recruiting. Retrieved from RAND Corporation : https://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG433.html