Begin drafting your “Opportunities” paper. This paper should be approximately 2-3 pages in length and should address what you have determined are the top 3 Human Resource opportunities for the organiz

Swot Analysis: Weaknesses

Kiyhana Bristow

College of Business, Bellevue University

MSHR 655: Capstone

Professor Carol Bartholet

February 10, 2021

Swot Analysis: Weaknesses

Weaknesses are internal problems of a company that are a result of many types of management errors or marketing miscalculations. When an organization completes a SWOT analysis they pinpoint and describes their weaknesses, as well as gauge the possibility of correcting them and recommends solutions. As much as The Levy Company may not want to believe it, yes, we have our share of weaknesses. The Levy Company’s top three Human Resource weaknesses are inaccurate budget constraints, unskilled workers, and lack of training and development.

Inaccurate budget constraints

In Levy Company, various assumptions are made during various operations. Some of the assumptions made are inaccurate, making the company overspend. Spending excessively wastes the funds of a company, and in some cases, the business is forced to shift capital that is to be spent on another program. If there is inaccuracy in the budgeting of funds, Levy Company is forced to shift its macroeconomics due to an assumption in the business. If several assumptions are made in the budget, they might make the manager manipulate the operation's scope. (Dhaene, 2016). Manipulating the scope can lead to unsatisfactory operation, making the company have several disputes. The inaccuracy of budget constraints is a significant weakness.

Unskilled workers

Inadequately skilled workers is a significant weakness to the company. If workers are not competent enough, they reduce the efficiency of activities carried out in the company. For instance, when the company is hiring working personnel, it hires candidates with the best education achievements. Just by looking at the educational achievement, the company might fail to know the candidate with the best educational achievement might not have the necessary skills. This hiring tactic is a significant weakness in the company since it hires workers who do not have the right experience on what the company is looking for. This weakness makes the company start deteriorating in performance. If the company hired worked people with the right skills, and they less considered the educational achievement, they might be able to solve this weakness (Migliaccio, 2020).

Lack of Training and development

Training and development is another weakness that is linked to the Levy Company. Whenever the company is hiring working personnel, it assumes everyone is hired is competent on what is doing, which is not right. If the company introduces a piece of new equipment, it should conduct training on how the equipment. Failure to do so, workers might use the equipment for the wrong purpose, which might cause severe damage. Levy Company lacks developing their equipment to the latest version, thus facilitating inefficiency. Thought the company offers training to its personnel, it does not offer full training which becomes a fundamental weakness.


Lee, W., Migliaccio, G. C., Lin, K. Y., & Seto, E. Y. (2020). Workforce development: understanding task-level job demands-resources, burnout, and performance in unskilled construction workers. Safety Science, 123, 104577.

van der Herten, J., Couckuyt, I., Deschrijver, D., & Dhaene, T. (2016). Adaptive classification under computational budget constraints using sequential data gathering. Advances in Engineering Software, 99, 137-146.