-The HRD project paper is a two-part paper: Part 1 will be to design an HRD program in the three HRD areas of Figure 1.1, McLagan’s human resource wheel, see attachment. - To frame the program, the pa


Needs Uncovered in a Military Organization


The organization in the discussion is a military organization. It aims at recruiting more employees to reach its goals and to ensure the efficiency of operations. This paper outlines the needs and explains why each need is essential for either employees or organizational development. When the military organization fills the gap created by the needs, it will enhance development and empower the employees (Anderson, 2018). Employee empowerment has endless benefits to an organization. The needs uncovered are categorized into two; Needs for training or employee development and organizational development needs.

Needs for Employee Development or Training

  1. Development of an assessment for the recruiting requirements. These needs are essential in developing a good human development plan (Dertouzos & Garber, n.d.). The volunteers' nature is characterized by different race, origin, education level, physical and communication capabilities.

  2. There is a need to search for a career path for potential recruits. This will be done possibly by linking recruits' characteristics to their productivity levels while controlling the other factors (Dertouzos & Garber, n.d.).

  3. There is a need to motivate the employees and reward them through promotions. This will increase their performance outcomes.

  4. The recruiters are expected and needed to their learning environment and adapt to it. This will help them to deliver more effectively.

  5. There is a need to train the recruiters about personal responsibility. They should ensure that they lead with a good code of conduct to realize a higher learning standard.

  6. There will be evaluation and discussion forums. This need will be aimed at rating the IQ and EQ levels of the recruiters.

Needs for Organizational Development

  1. There will be a need to focus on the station-level outcomes. This will be done by managing the possibilities that could interfere with the recruiter's efforts and productivity. This will help in achieving the military recruitment requirements (Dertouzos & Garber, n.d.).

  2. There is a need to select active-duty officers who will be enlisting the recruits and allocating them to their respective postings. They will also assist in missioning to enable planning and fairness. The implication of this will be to improve the recruiter's efficiency.

  3. Need to cut out the underperforming recruits. This will be essential in improving the efficiency and performance of the military organization.

  4. The enlisting officers will be entitled to ensure smooth daily running of resources and participate in the cross-examination of the mobilized military's behavior.

  5. The skills of enlisting officers will have to be evaluated. This will help the organization ensure the officers' competence as far as their capabilities are in issue.

  6. Data will be collected at the end of the assessment period to ensure the recruitment process's quality. The good quality of data collected will help in enhancing the effectiveness of the recruitment plan.

  7. Developing an excellent human resource development plan will be essential for the military organization. It will help the recruit officers better and experience teaching, leading, training, and mentoring the recruits. This will make the organizational mission to be conducted effortlessly, making its vision a success.


Anderson, B. (2018). The U.S. Army’s 5 Best Recruiting Tactics—and How You Can Deploy Them. Retrieved from Linkedin: https://www.zippia.com/army-recruiter-jobs/skills/

Dertouzos, J. N., & Garber, S. (n.d.). Human Resource Management and Army Recruiting. Retrieved from RAND Corporation : https://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG433.html