can someone quickly write a draft essay for me using this outline


ENC 1111

Instructor Lewis

Assignment 7.1: Evolving an Outline

  1. Discuss how you plan to use the content from Reading 7.1 to evolve your outline into a strong Position Paper. 

After reading the content for 7.1, I plan on evolving my paper by incorporating transition words and creative elements. Using these will help me better persuade my audience on my position.

  1. List one transition sentence you use and explain how you use it and what two points you are connecting. 

People on the outside looking in, tend to think budget cuts cause tuition costs to increase when in reality, budget cuts have little to no association with tuition.

I am going to be connecting the perception people have about budget cuts, to what truly takes place.

  1. List one creative element you added to your Position Paper and how it strengthens your submission.

I used a pathos element when discussing the claim: the state can use more money to help people in need. My statement was: Take a step back and imagine you are in the shoes of a low-income student, dreaming to go to a university but worries about the struggles it would bring their families. Then imagine the amount of relief you would feel if the state increased their funds to help more people in the same or similar situations as you.

I am going to add this creative element of pathos to better persuade my audience. It will strengthen my submission by influencing the reader to view defunding in a new perspective. It will cause them to gain sympathy for low-income people, thus pushing them towards supporting my position.