I need a paper that reference my Milestone 1.

OL 620 Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric For t he fina l project, you will ana lyze Emerging Pharmaceuticals in order to evaluate and revise the com pany’s c urrent total rewards system . You will ut ilize information presented in t he case study to com par e and contrast the organization’s total rew ard syste m with external benc hmarking data. You will also ana lyze the d ata for gaps and make revisions to the existing compens ation and ben efits pa ckage. Th e information you are provided with will be based on a specif ic asp ect of a ben efits and compens ation package (retirement ben efits, m edical ben efits, and so on). You must also create a presentation to stakeholders that exp lains the proposed changes, your rationale beh ind the ch an ges, and the implications of the changes for the organization. For Mileston e Two, you will p repare a d raft of Parts D–F of your total rewards ana lysis ( Sec tion I of the final project). T he submission will h ave the major h eading “Total Rewards Analysis: Parts D–F.” Your instruc tor will g rade your su bmiss ion u sing the rub ric be low and will p rov ide fee dback you can apply to your final project. Beg in by ana lyz ing qualitative and quantitative data for the cu rrent system (as iden tifi ed in the case study and the provided su pp lements) that will i nform your future recom men dations and revisions. Once your a nalysis h as b een completed, com pare and contrast the provided quantitative data regarding the cu rrent ben efits and compens ation syste m with extern al ben chmarki ng data from Medtronic, an organization within the same industry. Then draft Parts D–F of your ana lysis. Tho rough ly cov er each of the criti cal e lements, and inc lude your an swers to the gu iding questions. Specifi cally, the following critical eleme nts must be ad dressed: I. Total Rewards Ana lysis: For this part of the as sessment, you will analyze g iven asp ects of a total rewards package f rom the prov ided case stud y. You will a nalyze q ualitat ive and quantita tive data reg arding the cu rrent system and determine ga ps in that system that will inform yo ur fut ure recom men dations and revisions. D. Determine areas of misalignme nt, differe nces, an d gap s pres ent in the curre nt benefits and compens ation system, based on the external benc hmarki ng da ta. Wh at are the key areas of the cu rrent s ystem that a re misa lign ed with the competition ? E. Based on the strengths and weaknesses of each plan, d etermine Emerging Pharmaceuticals rewards compon ents that sh ould be increased, reduced, or stay the same, and prov ide your rat ionale. F. Compare q ualitative inpu t data and quantitat ive analysis with the organizati on’s employee demograph ic d ata to de termine the de gree of the existing popu lation that will be affe cted by the pro posed cha ng es. In other words, what is the overall impact of each proposed cha ng e? Rubric Guide lines for Sub mission : This milestone should be 3 to 4 pages in length (in addi tion to a cover page an d references) an d should be sub mitted as a Microsoft Word document with doubl e spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, an d one-inch margin s. Use at least three sources, which should be cited accordin g to APA style. Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (80%) Not Evident (0%) Value Total Rewards Analysis: Misalignment, Differences, and Gaps Determines areas of misalignment, differences, and gaps present in the current benefits and compensation system, based on the external benchmarking data Determines areas of misalignment, differences, and gaps present in the current benefits and compensation system, but determination is cursory or illogical Does not determine areas of misalignment, differences, and gaps present in the current benefits and compensation system 30 Total Rewards Analysis: Increased , Reduced or Stay the Same Determines rewards components that should be increased , reduced or stay the same, providing appropriate rationale Determines rewards components that should be increased , reduced or stay the same, but rationale is cursory, illogical, or there are gaps Does not determine rewards components that should be increased , reduced or stay the same 30 Total Rewards Analysis: Population Affected Compares qualitative input data and quantitative analysis with the organization’s employee demographic data to determine the degree of the existing population that will be affected by the proposed changes Compares qualitative input data and quantitative analysis with the organization’s employee demographic data to determi ne the degree of the existing population that will be affected by the proposed changes, but analysis or is cursory or illogical, or there are gaps in determination Does not compare qualitative input data and quantitative analysis with the organization’s em ployee demographic data 30 Artic ulation of Res pon se Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas 10 Total 100%