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Running Head: NURSUING 0

Name: Chuka Nnadozie

Date: 3/28/21

Role of nurses in the society

According to D’Antonio, “history helps one better understand the factors that affect social policy. Nursing's social and healing significance cannot be overlooked in the larger context of public health and its effect on social change” (D’ Antonio, 2019).

Individuals who are nearest to the social challenges work together to create strategies that solve social issues, which is known as social change. Nurses play an important role in the healthcare sector. They not only offer excellent care and service to patients, but they also fight for people every day. They work hard to ensure that patients obtain the best treatment today, and they are dedicated to improving the standard of care in the future. Nurses encourage wellness by educating patients and the general public on how to avoid disease and injury, delivering treatment and aiding in the cure, engaging in healing, and providing assistance. No other medical professional plays such a wide and diverse role.

Nurses assist families in gaining a better understanding of the social, physical, behavioral, and life diversity they face during wellness and illness. They do much more than look after patients. They've certainly been at the frontline of health-care and public-health reform. Florence Nightingale, is known as the "founding mother of modern nursing," but she also gathered evidence to show that the leading cause of death in the Crimean War was infections caused by poor sanitation, not enemy fire. She was a trailblazing statistician who was undoubtedly the first in history to use graphical representations to convince politicians to take action. Today's college trained nurses tend to respect their own qualitative insights when it comes to producing valuable research information on important topics.

Nurses control people's health on a daily basis. Their continuous presence, observation skills, and diligence allow physicians to make more reliable diagnosis and treatment decisions. Numerous lives have been rescued as a result of a diligent nurse spotting early warning signs of imminent emergencies such as heart arrest or renal distress. They are the lifeblood of the health-care system. They have a lot of experience taking care of people and following hospital guidelines and procedures. They have a good understanding of their patients and can see firsthand how treatment is improving their wellness (Smiley et al, 2018).

Nurses use their expertise and voice to campaign for patients on their clinical staff, ensuring that they receive the treatment they need. Nurses also play a significant role in developing hospital-wide strategies for patient and family-centered care (Soltis et al, 2017). And nurses don't just work in hospitals. They campaign for health-care reforms in amendments that would support patients and increase the affordability and quality of care in the state and around the world. They are dedicated to caring for and fighting for all individuals, whether it's a patient they encounter about once a health check, a patient they serve on a regular basis in an in-patient facility, or patients they've never encountered in another country.

Most nurses’ focus in pursuing the nursing profession is out of the deep passion they have in the field. Helping and reaching out people with different types of challenges is always a significant endeavor in their lives. Being at the front line in offering complementary service to patients is certainly their role. In conclusion, nurses play a significant role in offering both health care services and societal services. They not only offer excellent care and service to patients, but they also fight for people every day. Their impact is always great; hence touching many lives on a daily basis. No other medical professional plays such a wide and diverse role in the society (Soltis et al, 2017).


Smiley, R. A., Lauer, P., Bienemy, C., Berg, J. G., Shireman, E., Reneau, K. A., & Alexander, M. (2018). The 2017 national nursing workforce survey. Journal of Nursing Regulation9(3), S1-S88.

Soltis-Jarrett, V., Shea, J., Ragaisis, K. M., Shell, L. P., & Newton, M. (2017). Integrated behavioral healthcare: Assumptions, definition and roles: Position paper from the International Society of Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurses. Archives of psychiatric nursing31(5), 433-439.

D’ Antonio, T. (2019). Nurses’ ability to reflect on their practice is vital to the profession.