I need a paper that reference my Milestone 1.


Milestone Two: Total Rewards Analysis

Contina Clemons

Southern New Hampshire University

March 26, 2021

Milestone Two: Benefits and Compensation Analysis

Total rewards analysis is important to determine misalignments, differences and gaps between what we at Emerging Pharmaceuticals are currently providing our employees and what out competitor is providing. We benchmark our total rewards program using the market and our competitors. Reviewing data of our competitors shows what we as an organization could increase, reduce or keep our benefits.

Total Rewards Analysis: Misalignment, Differences, and Gaps

APA 7th Edition Style™ uses Level Two headings after the introductory paragraphs. To transform a line of text into a Level Two heading, click Heading 2 in Microsoft Word’s Style area of the Home ribbon. When you have a Level Two heading in APA, use Word’s Heading 2 Style. Align Level Two headings, or place Level Two headings flush with, the left margin. In Level Two headings, capitalize all major words. Headings created with this template use bold, 12-point Times New Roman font.

APA specifies formatting for up to five heading levels of in a paper, but most student papers only need one or two levels. Headings help readers identify where they are in the paper, in the same way that a road sign helps drivers determine their location. Wilson (2011) analyzed the section headings on 378 undergraduate papers, and determined section headings reliably outline a writer’s thoughts (pp. 37-38).

Total Rewards Analysis: Increased, Reduced or Stay the Same

If you introduce another major heading in your paper, this section may require another Level One heading. Submit APA documents using black print and white document background. APA Style™ does not use text colors such as blue, red, or green (Moore et al., 2011). Fancy colorful paper or colored paper is not acceptable for academic writing.

If you paste a web address or URL into your paper, Word may convert it to an active hyperlink with blue underlining. Remove blue underlining by left-clicking the link and selecting “Remove hyperlink.”

Total Rewards Analysis: Population Affected

Use Word’s headings feature to create a table of contents automatically. A table of contents is normally not necessary in a typical short paper. However, a table of contents often is required for a thesis or capstone project. You can find the button for generating a table of contents automatically on the extreme left of Word’s “References” ribbon (Lytle, 2013).


American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). https//:doi.org/10.1037/0000165-000

Butler, D. (2010). It takes time getting legitimate sources for research papers. In J. A. Bell & L. L. Luesing (Eds.), The art of good research (3rd ed., pp. 1256-1299). Harper & Row.

Carpenter, C. A., & Anderson, A. B. (2012). The thrill of writing an amazing paper. Journal of Excellent Writing, 56(3), 69–89. https://doi.org/10.1289.jew.34567

Dombek-Smith, B. L. (2011). How to write with flow and tone in APA. Fictitious Unreal University Press.

Lytle, R. N. (2013). Writing academically: It is easier than you think. Journal of Writing for College, 6(2), 102–106. https://doi.org/10.1070.jwc.123456d

Moore, C., Ullom, S., Summers, J. C., Anderson, B. X., Colaw, M., Brown, S. J., & Tryon, R. (2011). Why using a writing style provides consistency and structure to a college level paper. Journal of Excellent Writing, 55(4), 100-116. https://doi.org/10.1289

Wilson, E. O. (2011). Writing to convey meaning and context. Harper & Row. https://www.ebscohost.com