The Midterm is a written response paper. Your paper should be at least 2 pages in length and follow APA style and format. You are planning to open a new bakery in a medium size town of about 200,000

MKT345 Midterm exam Question #1 (100 points) You are planning to open a new bakery in a medium size town of about 200,000 people in the US. Your bakery will be 100% organic. It will be the first organic bakery in town (there are no organic super markets in the town, although some super markets offer selective organic products but no organic baked goods or desserts) . You will be offering organic as well as gluten -free bread, bread -related ingredients, pies, muffins, do ughnuts, and other types of des sert s. Given that organic ingredients are more expensive your prices are going to be about 20% higher than your competitors’ prices. You have limited resources and you cannot afford to spend a lot of money in traditional prom otional methods. Instead, you need to utilize social media to create awareness among your target audience. 1.1 Identify your target market(s) 1.2 What is the key positioning of your bakery relative to the competition? Describe a desirable brand image that the bake ry should pursue. You should also come up with a name for the bakery that captures the brand image, 1.3 You want to generate as much publicity as possible for your grand opening. How are you going to utilize the social media to maximize exposure and attendance ? Provide a detailed list of the social media you will use, as well as how you will use them. For example, if you decided to use Twitter, then you should provide a sample tweet message. Listing all possible social media is not a good answer. You may list s everal, but I would like to see how you will rank the ones you will use based on their importance for this particular situation. 1.4 In addition, you want your social media strategy to generate long -term interest for your bakery beyond the grand opening. Provide a detailed list of the social media you will use, as well as how you will use them. Listing all possible social media is not a good answer. You may list several, but I would like to see how you will rank the ones you will use based on their importa nce for this particular situation. Keep in mi nd that some of the social media may be ranked higher for generating “buzz” for the opening, but may be ranked lower in terms of their role for generating long -term interest for the bakery. 1.5 Describe the key elem ents of the web site to maximize awareness , attendance to the grand opening, and long -term interest . 1.6 Explain the role of listening and the main component of listening you will use to monitor and improve the online brand of the organization. Make sure to su pport your responses. Grading Rubric 1.1 (10 points) The points will be given based on how accurately and detailed the description of the target market is. 1.2 (15 points) 10 points will be given on a detailed and proper selection of a brand image consistent with the bakery’s products. 5 points will be given to the selection of a proper name. The name should reflect the brand image and be easy to remember and pronounce. 1.3 (20 points) The points will be given based on identifying the most appropriate social media, ranking them in terms of importance, and explain how they should be used to generate buzz and high attendance at the opening event. 1.4 (20 points) The points will be given based on identifying the most appropriate social media, ranking them in terms of importa nce, and explain how they should be used to generate long term interest for the business. 1.5 (20 points) The points will be given based on identifying and describing in detail how the website should be designed, and what should be on it, to generate long term interest for the business.