Two to three page essay about women equality in a workplace.


Women Equality in A Workplace

Women Equality in A Workplace

Abstract Thesis

There have been great progressive efforts made in the world to ensure equality in the workplace. Despite these efforts, women continue to face issues such as salary discrepancies, sexual harassment, unequal consideration for needs, unequal opportunities for growth and unfair treatment during pregnancy and motherhood. There is a need to address these issues and create a fair working environment for all employees.

Existing solution

There are many policies enforced by different government agencies which require employers to ensure that they have a fair working environment for their employees. These policies have brought about some changes though not enough; thus, there is a need for another solution.

Proposed Solution

Several ways can be used to solve these issues; they include; providing more training to raise awareness and encourage fair behaviors, shining the spotlight on successful women in different industries to act as mentors and establish policies that ensure fair play and work-life balance in the workplace.

Chapter One: Introduction
    1. Problem statement

There is widespread gender inequality at many workplaces despite government and other organizations' efforts and policies to ensure fairness and equality in workplaces.

    1. Importance of the topic
Encouraging equality and fairness in the workplace promotes diversity which has many advantages to the organization. It also ensures that the organization complies with the government policies, which require every organization to ensure that it creates a fair environment for all its employees. Chapter two; Body
    1. Discussion
      1. Background

These issues are caused by several factors such as hiring and training one gender for roles considered for "men" or "women" and lack of adequate legislation and commitment from the relevant agencies to enforce these laws.

      1. Current solutions

Several laws have been passed to address issues such as the gender pay gap and sexual harassment

1.1.3 Research Questions

What policies have been passed and implemented to address gender inequality?

If not implemented, Why are they not being implemented? And if implemented, what is the impact of the laws?

What are the benefits of the current solutions? How can the current solution be improved?

      1. Proposed solution

The government should enforce different policies to address this problem, for example, requiring employers to provide training to all employees on the importance of gender equality and encouraging the employers to review and update their sexual harassment policy constantly. Successful women should be actively involved in mentoring the new ones in their respective industries.

Employers should establish policies that promote fair play and promote work/life balance. The employer should also provide the employees with family-friendly policies such as childcare facilities for new mothers.


Gender equality is critical because it promotes a fair diverse environment for the employees. This improves the performance of the employees who feel motivated and valued and, consequently, the organization's performance.