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4/15/2021 Solution Essay Virtual Assignment 2: Thesis + Solution Essay Outline + One full paragraph

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Solu tio n E ssa y V irtu al A ssig nm ent 2 : T hesis + S olu tio n

Essa y O utlin e + O ne fu ll para gra ph

Due Monday by 11:59pm Points 40 Submitting a file upload

Start Assignment

Y our Solution Essay requires a lot of moving parts: creating an argument, organizing your various

primary support points, compiling examples, pulling information from sources, creating a

counterargument, and more. Keeping everything together for a paper such as this can be overwhelming,

especially when you are attempting to integrate so many dif ferent outside sources. An outline can help

with this task, and it can provide a structure for you to work on parts of your argument at a time, much

like you would tackle a puzzle: little by little, finding similar pieces, working on dif ferent parts until they all

fit together as a whole.

For your last virtual assignment of the semester:

1. Create an outline for your Solution Essay using the sample one I have provided as a guide. Feel

free to change/alter this as needed for your paper. For example, you may have more than one

counterargument paragraph, you may or may not have a background paragraph, or you may need

additional support paragraphs. The important part is to be in control of YOUR paper , making sure that

each piece has a purpose, a place, and proves something that contributes to your overall thesis.

2. Part of your outline MUST include your thesis (even if it is just your working thesis), as this will lay

the foundation for your entire argument. Make sure your thesis follows the DEARF guidelines 4/15/2021 Solution Essay Virtual Assignment 2: Thesis + Solution Essay Outline + One full paragraph

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(Debatable, Evidence Based, Assertive, Reasonable, and Focused). Y our thesis should be the solution

you pose for the issue you are researching.

3. Write ONE full support OR counterargument paragraph (do NOT write your intro or conclusion).

This is meant to get you really working on a portion of your essay and bringing all of your source

materials together . Think of this assignment as very similar to the V irtual Assignment for the Description

Essay, where you wrote an outline and a sample paragraph, only this time, your outline should be more

detailed and your paragraph bringing in outside materials.

Here are the steps needed to complete this assignment:

1. Watch the full series of W riting your Research Essay (5 videos total):

Thesis, Claims, and Arguments... Oh my! (1 video)

The Body of a Research Essay (2 videos)

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Intros, Conclusions, and Background Paragraphs (2 videos):

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2. Create an outline using the Sample Outline

(h ttp s://le arn .v ccs.e d u/c o urs es/3 53673/f ile s/9 6048933/d ow nlo ad ?dow nlo ad _fr d =1) as a guide. -- if you

would prefer to print this and work on it by hand, that is fine as long as you have the ability to scan it and

send as a DOC or PDF . Your outline MUST include your thesis statement (even if it just a working

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thesis). The more detailed your outline, the easier writing the paper will be. I will also be able to give you

stronger feedback.

3. Write one full paragraph from your outline. It must be a support paragraph OR a counterargument

paragraph. It cannot be your intro, conclusion, or background paragraph.