The following assignments NEED StatCrunch to be complete. I need to submit with provees. REALLY ESSAY!

Module 4 Attendance Quiz Show all work when solving the following problems : S.5. 2 A student takes a multiple -choice exam with 10 questions, each with four possible selections for the answer. A passing grade is 60% or better. Suppose that the student was unable to find time to study for the exam and just guesses at each question. Find t he probability that the student (a) Gets at least one question correct. (b) Passes the exam (c) Receives and “A” on the exam (90% or better) (d) How many questions would you expect the student to get correct? (e) Obtain the standard deviation of the nu mber of questions that the student gets correct. S.5. 3. Construct a probability distribution of getting heads in a three coin toss. S.5. 4. One Thousand tickets are sold at $1 each for a color television valued @ $350. What is the expected value of the gain if a person purchases one ticket? S.5 .5. One thousand tickets are sold at $1 each for four prizes of $100, $ 50, $ 25, and $ 10. What is the expected value if a person purchases two tickets?