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Mobile Home Property Developer and Manager

Market Analysis Report

Executive Summary

The report aims at looking into the most effective strategy that can be used by a home property developer to analyze the current nature of the market so that to maximize on the number of clients that the organization will hold. There are reports that have been made currently to look into the current nature of the market and its growth rate which can be achieved by looking at the past trends of the property market development.

According to Reonomy in the year (2018), there is a high demand on the home property and at the same time, various home developer companies have taken notice on the development which means that they invested large sums of money together with strategies of winning the market. Some of the most effective market strategies that the company can use to capture clients include the following.

The first strategy is to check on the product price policies so that to ensure that they achieve the set goal according to the company’s objectives. The company should also assess its target market so that to ensure the right clients have been captured. It is important for the company to differentiate itself from other similar companies through developing its own brand which can be easily recognized by the customers. Another strategy is to use a common design on the products that are delivered to the clients. (Woon & Suki, 2020). The last strategy is ensuring that there is a motivated sales force which will work hard to reach out to a large number of customers within the target market. It is also important to check on the product prices so that to ensure that the organization presents the best quality within a realistic price that will be better than what all other companies are offering. It can include giving warrants to on the developed products.

Product positioning

Product positioning is a term that is used to define the level of a product when compared to other similar products in the market. It helps an investor to understand what changes can be made so that to improve the product hence making it more competitive when compared to others in a similar market. The nature of the market is always changing and if the market analysis team within the company does not assess what changes should be made, then there is a high probability that the company will be faced by setbacks hence losing its share in the market.

Analysis of the current positioning in the Market

Before the pandemic period early in 2019, people were involved in job opportunities that involved settling in different parts of the country. This contributed to the growth of the home market as people needed places to settle. The current leading company is the Cooperative which holds a market of Duplex with a market of $1,951,389 which is followed by Multi Family which holds a market of $1,507,734. There are other players in the market who are working towards improving the nature of their products so that to reach out to a larger number of clients. The organization currently holds a market of $200,100. This means that there are other companies which are still dominating the market and JGJ Inc. has a lot of improvement and changes to make so that to meet the demand of market. (Reonomy. 2018)

Projections of the market

Due to increasing rate of globalization, people are opting to use simple home solutions as they depend on short term settlement options before moving to their next job opportunities. This has led to a positive growth of the general product market which means that companies should set up strategies of capturing the increasing market. JGJ Inc. has put in place marketing strategies that have helped it to hold its current position. However, other marketing strategies should be considered which should target on developing more sustainable goals hence helping it to compete for the projected high market. (Chari, 2019)

On the pricing of the services for the next five years, there is a high likelihood that the value of the housing will keep on increasing because of the demand and the economic growth in the country.

Recommended Position for Inc.

  • The first recommendation is that JGJ Inc. should consider creating a brand that will be different from what other mobile home providers can offer. This can involve coming with designs that will differentiate their products from what other competitors are offering to their clients. Through this, potential clients will be able to identify and pick the services hence leading to the growth of the company.

  • The next strategy is to come up with strategies of motivating the marketing term which will push the team to reach out to a larger number of clients. (Key & Czaplewski, 2017). It can involve offering them a higher commission than what other companies would be willing to offer hence attracting and retaining the most qualified team into the marketing department.

  • It is important to consider giving better services to frequent clients so that to capture a long-term market of the clients. If they are offered the best services, it means that they will not opt to seek for the mobile services from another company. An example is renting the houses at a discount to those who have rented them over a period of five years.

  • The quality of the products should also be considered. This can be accomplished through reducing the prices of the products and at the same time ensuring that they are of the preferred quality. This can include a one-year warrant for the products. However, the prices should not affect the profit margin of the company.

Buyer profile

The products should target customers who are seeking for mobile home services especially those who work in different regions from time to time. The services should be reliable enough to the clients so that to ensure that it can reach out to them regardless of their location. The products offered should also be flexible so that to meet their expectations.


Reonomy. (2018, Feb, 10th). Investing in Mobile Home Parks: Why you should be investing in Mobile Home Parks. Reonomy. Woon, S. L., & Suki, N. M. (2020). Strengthening the Marketing Strategies for the Traditional Property Developer in Malaysia. Global Business Management Review12(1), 89-110. Morgan, N. A., Whitler, K. A., Feng, H., & Chari, S. (2019). Research in marketing strategy. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science47(1), 4-29. Key, T. M., & Czaplewski, A. J. (2017). Upstream social marketing strategy: An integrated marketing communications approach. Business Horizons60(3), 325-333.