looking for someone fast and reliable. TWO DIFFERENT ASSIGNMENTS.

Unit 1 Video Summary, Analysis & Synthesis


After viewing the designated videos, summarize and evaluate the overall content of all by selecting one of the following: 1) writing a 2–3 paragraph, well-crafted narrative response, 2) making a detailed bulleted listing of the most important content presented, OR 3) create a detailed graphic overview / concept map of the major content and supporting details. Then, in a summary paragraph, synthesize the information learned and briefly compare the overall content, making at least 2 personal connections and providing at least 3 “Aha Moments.”

Reading Autobiography

After completing the text readings for Unit 1, make text-to-self connections as you reflect on your own early reading experiences and draft a 2 – 3-page composition (12 pt. font, double-spaced) in which you share your recollections.  This paper should include what you remember regarding being read to as a child, favorite books/stories/authors, visits to the library, significant individuals who served as models of reading and writing, and any other personal literacy-related information.