I am requesting help in writing my three to four page essay. The era that I picked was Modernism (PPt attached). I choose a short story titled "A Night Among The Horses by Djuna Barnes and I am trying

ENGL 224: Rubric for Final


F (59 and below)

D (60-69)

C (70-79)

B (80-89)

A (90-100)


Disregards guidelines and assignment requirements; summarizes rather than analyzes.

Little to no attempt to follow guidelines; neglects most assignment requirements; offers little to no analytic thought in favor of summary.

Attempts to follow guidelines; neglects some assignment requirements; consists of some analysis and unnecessary summary.

Follows guidelines completely; fulfills requirements provided; consists of mostly analysis and summarizes when necessary.

Follows guidelines completely and explicitly;

fulfills or exceeds requirements provided; consists of analysis and summarizes only when necessary;


No bases for response or related points; repeats points from class discussion; no evidence of reading or reading comprehension

Bases response on vague class discussion or vague comprehension of the readings; no direct evidence of specific quotations.

Bases thesis or response and related points on the readings generally; little to no (or unrelated) direct quotations or specific evidence, largely without citations.

Bases thesis and related points mostly within the assigned readings; uses quotations with purpose; uses evidence more generally from the text, mostly with citations.

Bases thesis and related points within the assigned readings; makes purposeful and effective use of quotations and other specific evidence from the text, with citations.

Critical Thinking

Nonexistent thesis or development; paper consists mostly of summary without analysis.

Little to no thesis development; thesis is unoriginal or nonexistent; little to no evidence to back up claims.

Partially develops a thesis that mostly rehashes class lectures or discussion; evidence for this thesis is mostly unclear.

Develops a unique thesis throughout most of the paper; supports thesis purposefully, mostly with evidence.

Develops a unique thesis throughout the paper; supports thesis purposefully with evidence.


Demonstrates no logical progression of ideas; thought process unclear; no specific thesis and no conclusion.

Demonstrates little logical progression of ideas; thought process is muddled and incoherent; thesis and conclusion are incomplete, buried, or nonexistent.

Demonstrates a progression of ideas; thought process is clear in some areas and unclear in others; thesis and conclusion are buried or incomplete.

Demonstrates a logical progression of ideas; almost always shows reasoning and thought process; thesis and conclusion are relatively clear.

Demonstrates a logical and coherent progression of ideas; deliberately shows reasoning and thought process; thesis and conclusion are explicit.


Uses incomplete sentences; consistent grammatical errors; no evidence of proofreading.

Uses incomplete sentences; frequent grammatical errors; minimal evidence of proofreading.

Uses complete and incomplete sentences; some grammatical errors; little to some evidence of proofreading.

Uses complete and complex sentences with few grammatical errors; some evidence of proofreading.

Uses complex sentences with few to no grammatical errors; responses have been proofread.