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Survey Qu estionnaires Hello ! We hope you’re having a good day. We are statistics students (MAT240) from INTI Subang Jaya . We’ve chosen you as one of a small set o f people to ask about your time management as a college student. If you have a moment to spare, would you be willing to fill up the form? We’d greatly appreciate your feedback . Our short surveys take ONLY 1 minute ! Thank you for your help! Questionnaires NO. Survey Questions Measurement Level Research Questions 1 Do you have a part time job? Nominal RQ2 2 Do you hand in your ass ignment /test on time? Nominal RQ2 3 What time do you most ly do sports? Nominal RQ 3 4 How many hours do you spend on ‘self-study ’ in a week? Nominal RQ4 5 Do you p rocrastinate? Nominal RQ4 6 During the studying process, do you meet any interruption o f any other activities? Nominal RQ5 7 What is your gender? Nominal RQ 6 8 Are you stressed about deadlines and commitments ? Nominal RQ5 9 Do you schedule time to study exam? Nominal RQ4 9 How do you spend time in leisure activities? Ordinal RQ3 10 How often do you make a TO -DO -LIST and finish the task in a the period of time ? Ordinal RQ3 11 How would you evaluate the effectiveness of your time management skills? Ordinal RQ4 12 What is your major ? Ordinal RQ5 13 How is your academic performance in college ? Ordinal RQ5 14 How old are you? Ratio RQ 1 15 How many hours do you do sport a day? Ratio RQ1 , RQ 6 16 How many hours do you work in a week? Ratio RQ2 17 How many hours do you spend on electronic gadgets a day? Ratio RQ3 18 How many hours do you usually sleep a day ? Ratio RQ4 List of Research Questions RQ1: How many hours do students spend on sports during the weekend? RQ2: What is the proportion of students who have a part time job during the weekend? RQ3: How do students spend their time? RQ4: What is the average number of hours students spend in their studies? RQ5: Does it affect their grades if time is poorly managed? RQ6: Is the percentage of students doing sports that are mostly male ? Goog le form LINK :