This is a 2 part assignment. I have attached both spreadsheets and last weeks assignment to help you. For the two Module Six assignments, they should be laid out as follows: Assignment One:Layout you

Business Proposal

Purpose Statement

The purpose of this business proposal is to identify how noncooperation among the managers affect employees’ relationship and stakeholders negatively impacting productivity and identify the strategies for improving cooperation and how it will positively impact the organization. Through this business proposal and adapting the recommendations which are provided in the proposal, the organization will be able to attain a 90% production growth on the teamwork action plans which will result in improved productivity and relationship between the employees, management, and the stakeholders. The organization will be able to improve in the areas they have got flaws by identifying specific areas for improvement and correcting the issues which were affecting them.

Problem statement

There are electronic supply organizations that are not progressing because of ignorance of adapting the teamwork strategy. From the statistics, they dictate that 65% of the organizations are unproductive. The benchmarking data collected indicated that noncooperation is among 90% of managers of the organizations assessed. When it comes to lack of trust there were 30% managers,17% of the individuals were shirking their duties. For 18% of individuals are being influenced by the skews concerning decisions,20% are stuck in the formation while there are 10% who are under the others category which can be observed from the figure below. For organizations that have applied the strategies are making huge profits. More so, the customers tend to purchase the goods as well as services from the organizations that are well organized starting with their numbers. Consequently, teamwork strategies in organizations are very critical in achieving effective productivity. Organizations ought to establish clear norms for accountability for the contributions of the managers to the efforts of the group. Through the application of the norms, communication between the managers becomes effective, and the inflow of the customers' increases.

Data and Research Findings

Scatter diagram for the total number of noncooperation amongst managers to analyze trends.

About the scatter plot, this is indicating that the number of noncooperation amongst the managers is increasing with time. This means that though this problem is being experienced it is continuing to increase with time. According to Arthur & Kim(2005), it hypothesized level of the cooperation, as well as trust amongst the staffs, has got an influence on how people take the risk at their places of work which leads to different pattern of sharing info. For these writers, the difference in the managing of the labor cooperation could result in the distinctive pattern for the sharing of information that might occur in the other work practice. The scatter diagram indicates an upward trend that is occurring due to lack of cooperation among the managers that negatively impacts the employees. This means that lack of cooperation impacts people's trust negatively compared to what Arthur and Kim had identified.

Due to having an upward trend in the scatter there are different reasons which result to this where there is lack of trust which is the primary reason contributing to 85% which result to noncooperation among the managers. Stuck in the information is a second one as presented on the scatter having a contribution of 45%. The final one is the skewes influences over the decisions that have got a contribution of 30 percent for each of them.

Looking at the analysis and the presentation from the scatter it indicates that mistrust is the most significant issue. Though being stuck in the information is another contributing factor, management has to focus on stuck details as well as lack of trust for them to be able to improve the noncooperation which exists among managers in the organizations.

Proposed Solution

Pareto chart a) Counting the total noncooperation in each category. b) Calculating the total cumulative count. C) Calculating the cumulative percentage for each noncooperation cause.

This is a 2 part assignment. I have attached both spreadsheets and last weeks assignment to help you.  For the two Module Six assignments, they should be laid out as follows: Assignment One:Layout you 1

From the analysis, it is noted that several issues have to be dealt with by the organization. The graph above it identifies the main problems comprising of lacking trust, being stuck in the information, skews of influence in the decisions, individuals shirking their duties among others as the causes for the noncooperation among the employees. Finally, sharing knowledge could be advanced as the social dilemmas where the cooperation is the desired solution (Pais and Dos Santos, 2015).

Solutions to proposed problems will comprise of adapting the teamwork strategies training which has to be implemented in organization for increasing the effective communication as well as productivity. If this strategy is adopted it will be vital for the organization since the managers will be able to communicate any issue that they are facing and will encourage employees to work as a team which will result in consultation hence the better being of the organization. The other importance of this will be attaining the set organizational goals which will result in inefficiency. Secondly, the company has to establish clear norms for accountability of managers’ contributions to the efforts of the group. Through this, the employees will feel valued hence encouraged to work. Finally, they have to focus on ensuring any issue that could result in mistrust is done away with to build confidence within the management and the organization. This will make it free for the employees and even managers to share any area they encounter a problem which will boost their relationship.

Stakeholder Analysis and Benefits 

For the organization, the issue of noncooperation among the managers is affecting the organization's wellbeing to a great extent. In the solving of this matter, teamwork strategies have to be implemented in an organization for increasing the effectiveness of communication and productivity. Teamwork strategies are the major solutions for the problem. This paper will analyze the concept of implementing teamwork strategies from the stakeholder’s point of view.

For the teamwork strategies to succeed we should first allocate what the involved stakeholders prefer. Several stakeholders will be involved in the process of development of this project including external clients, managers alongside regular workers. These are the people who are affected by what the organization goes through where in case of non-cooperation they are negatively impacted. For the users, if they pay for the services they receive which generate the revenues for the organization. Therefore, without having proper training of the team through the adoption of different strategies then the implementation will not succeed.

Investors will be the other group who are tasked with funding the project we have in place. For the project to be implemented within the organization, the investors have to be willing to risk their funds and invest in the project for its implementation. The trainers are the other group that has to be involved in the project since they are the ones who are expected to provide the necessary training through the different strategies available to ensure they succeed in what they are doing. This will ensure they come up with the appropriate program required for training the management which will result in the success in the implementation of the project. The other vital group which has also to be included in this project are the consultants who are the ones to provide the proper strategies that the organization can adapt for it to succeed in its operations. The consultants are conversant in this field hence they are in a better position of selecting which training strategies are fit for the organization of this size making the work easier for the trainers to take the notes and start the training process. This will ensure that once the program comes to a close everything will be normal and the organization will be operating efficiently. In addition, the consultants will be doing a follow-up on the program to ensure successful implementation until cooperation is restored within the organization.

The organization's human resource department will be another group that will be tasked will supervision during the execution of the project. In case the trainers will fail to undertake the training activity they will be held responsible immediately. The project manager will be the ones who will be tasked with ensuring that this project is done within the set time and cost. The manager will also be tasked with the supervision of the other members of the team and check on the progress of the project. The final group which we will be engaging during this project are the sponsors that will be donating the funds towards the execution of the project (Wang and He,2011).

Implementation Methods

In this, we will embark on the project through assessing the needs for the project which could be established within organizational strategic, human resource, and individual developments plans. There should be a setting of the objectives for the project where any form of gaps has to be identified within this to know what is being dealt with. After this, an action plan has to be implemented where through this the theories which are necessary and the strategies have to be set. A budget for all this program and the time frame within which the [project is going to be carried out has to be set. In the costs, you have to detail a plan on how the funds for the project will be raised and who will be involved to be precise. You will have to implement what will then work for the project then revise after all.

In addition, during this implementation phase, we will have to work closely with the consultants and the other experts in the area to guide so that mostly the budget set will be able to cater for all the expenses which will be incurred. More so, there will be meetings for a briefing on what is supposed to be undertaken, and for the people who have earlier on taken part in this kind of project, they will provide guidance. The final decision will be reached by the team which will be responsible for approving the action plan available and some employees will be involved at some stage to give their views concerning the project.


Arthur, J. B., & Kim, D. (2005). Gainsharing and knowledge sharing: the effects of labor–

management co-operation. The International Journal of Human Resource Management,

16(9), 1564–1582

Pais, L., & dos Santos, N. R. (2015). Knowledge-sharing, cooperation, and personal

development. In K. Kraiger, J. Passmore, N. R dos Santos & S. Malvezzi (Eds), The

Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of the Psychology of Training, Development, and Performance

Improvement (pp. 278–302). UK, Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley Blackwell

Wang, H., & He, W. (2011, April). A reservation-based smart parking system. In 2011 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS) (pp. 690-695).