FOR DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE FILM MAKING PROJECT Click Here: FINAL PROJECT criteria For the Short Film Rubric Click Here: Short Film Rubric I am so excited to hear about all of your wonderful filmm

FINAL PROJECT: MAK E A M OVIE !! 1 Short Film Production Purpose of the Assignment : To apply the information covered throughout this course to demonstrate your knowledge of the languages of movie making and how they work to tell a story. This assignment will allow you to provide a creative demonstr ation of how movies work to conv ey information. The Assignment: 1. Make a movie per the Film Making requirements . 2. Document your process per Written Documentation requirements. a. A film turned in without paperwork will receive Zero points. 3. Upload your movie to YouTube or Vimeo . a. Make su re it is a PUBLIC link so that I can watch it! 4. Submit paperwork with LINK to film into Dropbox within D2L . FILM MAKING REQUIREMENTS : 1. Must be 5 – 15 minutes long. 2. Must include TITLE within the film . 3. Must include EN D CREDITS within the film . 4. Must uti lize EDITING (you may NOT turn the camera on, then turn it off 5 minutes later and turn that footage in for your final project) 5. Must utilize SOUND in any capacity that serves your film. 6. Film must be made for THIS assignment and not prepared p rior to th e course. 7. You will not be evaluated as an Oscar winning filmmaker , but you WILL be evaluated on your time and energy commitment to the project, and how well you are able to describe in your paperwork the creative work that you completed. 8. Film Making R esources: a. Your textbook. b. No c. The 4 5 Best Filmmaking YouTube Channels of 2021 9. TIPS a. Tell you r story through IMAGES. b. Film much more footage than you will actually use. Give yourself a LOT of visual choices to choose from. c. Edit with editing software, not just by turning the camera off and on. d. START FILMING EARLY! And start editing early as well . . . not the day it is due. e. Challenge yourself. You may not end up with the movie you are imagining in your head but give it your 100% best shot. f. THINK OUT OF THE BOX! Enjoy the process! Have fun! You will be graded by how much you give yourself over to exploring this process. Do not shortchange your own expe rience – give into it and give yourself room to surprise yourself! FINAL PROJECT: MAK E A M OVIE !! 2 WRITTEN DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS: 1. Artist Statement (approximately 900 word s) a. Detailed description of the film. b. Why did you choose THIS story/topic ? How did you come up with this idea? c. Did you make the film alone or were others involved? Who were the others involved (editor, director, actor, etc) ? What was your “role ” in making the film? d. What was your process? e. How was the film made ( filming equipment, lighting, editing softwar e, other people, etc). f. What worked well in the film making? What could have worked better? What did you LEARN Through this film making process? 2. Log/Schedule a. Lo g when you worked on the film and what you did on those days/times b. Document you r process i. Scriptwriting, storyboarding, and /or finding resources or ideas ii. Production, filming iii. Editing iv. Showing, uploading 3. Script (optional) a. Inclu de a scrip t IF you worked from a script. 4. TIPS: a. The more technical terms and concepts you can incorporate into the paperwork, the stronger your final project will be. U se the film and the paperwork to DEMONSTRATE the course information that you are applying to your movie making. b. Th is paperwork will be the LARGEST PORTION OF YOUR GRADE. The paperwork MUST be complete. Your final project is NOT COMPLETE without the compl ete paperwork .