I need help to do the draft of my essay, attached is the guidelines and rubrics, also the my writing plan.

Guidelines and Rubrics

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Introduction: This is where readers will get an idea of what your essay is about and what you will prove throughout. Do not give all of your information

away here, but give readers a sample of what is to come. Don’t forget to review your writing plan to make sure you are hitting all of the points that you

planned out while also stating your argument.

A. Provide an overview of the issue you have selected, briefly describing main points and your argument.

B. Compose an engaging thesis statement that explains the argument you will prove and support throughout your essay. This statement will give

direction to your essay and should be well thought out.

II. Body: The body is your opportunity to describe and support your argument in depth. Make sure your thoughts and evidence are clear and organized in a

way that is easy for readers to follow and understand.

A. Be sure that you write at least three paragraphs that support your key points and are focused, clearly state their intent, and move logically from

one to the other, building the thesis argument as the essay progresses.

B. Your body paragraphs should support your argument by combining thoughts and ideas with evidence from sources. There is no such thing as a

right or wrong argument; the key is how it is supported and the quality of the evidence used.

C. Address and refute any opposing viewpoints to your argument. This is your chance to discredit any opposing views, thus strengthening your


III. Conclusion: Think of the conclusion as a review of your argument. Use this section to restate your argument and remind readers of your supporting

evidence. Think of this as your last chance to persuade readers to agree with you.

A. Review your argument. This section should be a review of the key points used to support your argument. Think of this as your last chance to

prove your point or your closing arguments.

B. Include insights about your argument established through your essay. This should follow logically from your essay, referring to key points or

quotes used to support your argument.


The accounting department at various companies in the United States faces many different challenges but have many in common. One challenge, in particular, has been the proper handling of state sales tax and the importance of maintaining a hard copy back up second to the digitization of the data. The accounting department has the function of retaining all records of transactions. It complies with federal and state law to maintain the company in compliance with all tax code laws and regulations. Many companies do not want to maintain hard copy records (paper); they all want to move into a digital world with constant technological change and security problems. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) asks to maintain various years of records on transactions, not to mention all the proper documentation of the varying sales tax when dealing with multiple states. The topic directly relates to my major in accounting. Creating and implementing new ideas to maintain proper record-keeping is essential to function in the accounting department. Maintaining a proper record preservation system of hardcopies can ensure acceptable responsibility in events of IRS audits or discrepancies.

Key Points

The validation of three key points is essential to my argument. It is maintaining the proper documents in a hard copy form in order to prove authenticity.

It is vital not to maintain digital preservation of documents is the way of the future, but it has to have paper back up.

Many unscrupulous people will and can hack in and hold the information hostage and ask for ramson. Maintaining the validity of the documents is very important, and digital copies can easily be manipulated. The long-term preservation of documents can work very well out live technology and have easier access when needed. Cost is significant; changing technology to preserve information is very costly. The technology has to be able to understand each other to change; if not, the loss of data is always a threat.


My primary audience will be my organization of peers and the top-tier chief executive officers. The secondary audience will be the accounting industry in general. To bring awareness of the importance that technology has in our fields and demonstrate that over-reliance on technology can also hinder the proper maintaining or even long-term fiscal responsibilities of an organization.


To properly establish my goal with this essay and be successful continued research will have to be implemented to substantiate my argument and subject matters further. Properly educating the industry in the proper record preservation is essential. The differentiation of state sales tax has to be marked and adequately documented. Not complying with the different state sales taxes and proper documentation can cause severe penalties and even jail time. The goal is to properly educate the accounting industry to have reasonable measures in place.


My resources will help me support my argument; first, my evidence comes from experience in sales tax as a part of the accounting team at work. The portfolio as a consumer has given me confidence in researching more about this field in aid of secondary sources. The road to substantial taxes has never been achieved. Graetz (2014) discusses sales tax brackets and what it means to pay sales tax. The testimony of Walter Hellerstein 2006 presents discriminatory sales tax in the U.S. exchange.

The linkage between differentiating sales taxes from local to state and federal branches volatility and economic impact discussed by Hirsch et al. (2004). This also explains the neutrality of sales tax in enhancing equity of development among populations. The importance of maintaining digital copies and hard copies is explained in 5 Benefits of Storing Document Hard Copies. Higher Information Group. (2019, October 1). Helping develop my key points of argument. In addition, moving forward, Izraeli, O., & Kellman, M. (2003). The Sales Tax Puzzle will assist me in determining and organizing the tax codes and rates for all the states helping me keeping my dynamic organization. Jongmin SHON, & Yilin HOU. (2020). Local Sales Taxes and Spending Patterns in U.S. County Governments will help provide my company chiefs with penalties and potential monetary losses if compliance is not achieved.

With the key points and resources listed above, I have specified with experience and research. The main argument that can be shown in favor of failure to comply and be prepared can harm budgetary planning and economic development. I chose to show that improper planning of sales tax record keeping and storage can derail growth. Cheng Hongbing, Rong Chunming, Hwang Kai, Wang Weihong, & Li Yanyan. (2015). This article depicts a growing concern with large amounts of data storage. It displays the negative and positive aspects of the ever-growing and changing technologies out in the market.

Supporting Resources

The key points in my argument will be supported by implementing peer-reviewed articles and papers writing about the importance of properly maintaining tax information secure and readily available. Tax code journals and peer-reviewed papers will help collaborate on the importance of maintaining proper storage and accountability; failure to do so can result in heavy sanctions.

Integrating Evidence

In order to support my argument, there will have supporting evidence throughout the essay. Accomplishing this will allow having a solid argument to motivated the accounting industry to maintain hard copies as a vital secondary source of information to that of storage. The arguments will be made by demon stating the possible sanctions and penalties associated with losing information or maintaining accessible information by adding evidence from Cheng Hongbing, Rong Chunming, Hwang Kai, Wang Weihong, & Li Yanyan. (2015) will further assist me in accomplish this goal and have a well-written persuasive essay.


My revision strategy will be to go over all my key points and break them down further to properly attach the evidence necessary to get my point across. I have to further research a strong opposition to my argument in order to make a stronger argument in the matter. I will strengthen the argument by continuing to conduct research in the matter as I have already begun. The key points will have strong points, and the essays will be thoroughly prove read to ensure grammar and spelling errors are addressed.


The feedback received has made me look further into research and try and find more articles that address the key points. I have made changes as my primary and secondary audience has allowed me to broaden my search into my argument. I am focusing and digging deeper into the schools' online library to help me find more articles.


5 Benefits of Storing Document Hard Copies. Higher Information Group. (2019, October 1). https://www.higherinfogroup.com/five-benefits-of-storing-document-hard-copies/#:~:text=%20Five%20benefits%20of%20keeping%20storing%20document%20hard,While%20storing%20documents%20digitally%20is%20more...%20More%20.

Cheng Hongbing, Rong Chunming, Hwang Kai, Wang Weihong, & Li Yanyan. (2015). Secure big data storage and sharing scheme for cloud tenants. China Communications, Communications, China, China Commun, 12(6), 106–115. https://doi-org.ezproxy.snhu.edu/10.1109/CC.2015.7122469

Hellerstein, W. (n.d.). Tax Reform What It Means for State and Local Tax and Fiscal Policy. https://www.finance.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/Testimony%20of%20Hellerstein.pdf?n=11101.

Izraeli, O., & Kellman, M. (2003). The Sales Tax Puzzle – Has the law of demand been repealed? Annals of Regional Science, 37(4), 681–694. https://doi-org.ezproxy.snhu.edu/10.1007/s00168-003-0132-2

Jongmin SHON, & Yilin HOU. (2020). Local Sales Taxes and Spending Patterns in U.S. County Governments. Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, 60E, 104–123. https://doi-org.ezproxy.snhu.edu/10.24193/tras.60E.7

Sanders, R., & Lee, S. (2009). Determinants of Public Support for Education Sales Tax Initiatives in Georgia. Journal of Education Finance, 34(3), 267-288. Retrieved July 11, 2021, from http://www.jstor.org/stable/40704359