Code of Conduct Memo: DraftOverviewYou are a manager at a call center. The company frowns upon phone calls and texting during work hours. You have looked the other way a few times, but it has started



Code of Conduct Memo - Draft

Erick Lopez

ENG 316


Jan. 27, 2020

To: All Call Center employees, EJL

From: Erick Lopez, Operations

RE: Cell phone use in the call center

To all staff in EJL company, it has come to my attention the use of personal cell phones while on the call center floor has increased in frequency. This is a distraction, and it is in violation of the company’s rules. Company policy forbids such use while on the clock. These policies are in place to keep the floor’s attention on the customer. Distractions detract from that objective.

EJL understands devices are our connection to family and friends. So, if a call is necessary, please alert your supervisor and leave the floor. Please note, these occurrences can, themselves, become worthy of a violation write up .

  • First violation will result in a verbal warning to the employee

  • Second violation will result in a write up to the file

  • Third violation will result in termination

The call center recently placed in the top 2 in the country in customer satisfaction. So, as a reward, we are offering a bonus on your Jan. 31st paycheck of $25 nontaxable. Let’s keep the run going by keeping our devices off while we work .

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. Please check the read receipt and see me with any questions you may have. My door is always open, and my email is EJL@callcenter. org



CC: HR director Beverly Crusher