Read the script DISGRACED by Ayad Akhtar. Paper will be based on this script. Following the guidelines and looking at the example provided for you in the attached files, write a brief paper that has t


This assignment should be no more than 1000 words.

The theme of a play is the message that a playwright wants to convey to the audience. It is a play's underlying message or “big idea”. In other words, what belief about life is the playwright trying to convey in the writing of a play? This belief generally transcends cultural barriers, and touches on human nature in general, making it universal to all cultures and to the human experience. Themes can be explicitly stated or inferred. More often, writers weave themes seamlessly into the plot of a play, and a reader has to discover the theme for him/herself.

To clarify:

The theme is what the play means as opposed to what the play is about (the story), or what happens in the play (the plot). Sometimes the theme is clearly stated in the title. It may be stated through dialogue by a character acting as the playwright’s voice. Or it may be that the theme is less obvious and emerges only after some study or thought. Understanding a story's theme is critical to deciphering the playwright's message in a particular piece of writing.

For this assignment, you may research the play assigned and write your theme analysis based on that research; you may decide on the theme on your own; or you may use a combination of both methods.

  1. You must cite any sources that are not your original work.

  2. You must use at least two use examples from the assigned play that explain why the theme you have chosen is relevant to the play.