Sample Instructions: DraftOverview Pick a favorite snack food that requires you to take at least eight steps to prepare.Write 1–2 pages of instructions on how to prepare the snack you picked. Imagine

Assignment 5: Sample Instructions: Final


Professor Christopher Swindell

ENG 316


Pigs in a Blanket

This tasty snack is perfect for birthdays or slumber parties and making them is a snap! Just follow these 8 easy steps for a perfect snack for you and your friends. Make sure you have an adult help you to use the oven !

Sample Instructions: DraftOverview Pick a favorite snack food that requires you to take at least eight steps to prepare.Write 1–2 pages of instructions on how to prepare the snack you picked. Imagine 1

Have the following ready before you begin;

  • One dozen (12) small cocktail franks.

  • One 8 oz. tube of Pillsbury crescent roll dough.

  • Your favorite dipping sauces.

  • One 18-inch x 20-inch baking sheet.

  • Pam cooking spray.

  • A butter knife.

  • Oven mitten.

Step 1: Pre-heat your oven to 425℉. This will take between 5 – 10 minutes to heat up, so make sure you do this before moving on to the other steps.

Step 2: Spray a thin coating of cooking spray onto the baking sheet

Step 3: Lay the crescent roll dough on a flat surface and cut it into 12 strips that are about 1 inch wide and 2 inches long.

Step 4: Wrap a single strip of crescent roll dough around the center each cocktail frank.

Step 5: Arrange the wrapped franks on the baking sheet. Make sure to space the franks evenly on the baking sheet, leaving at least 1 inches of space between each frank to allow room for them to expand as they cook.

Step 6: Once the oven has finished pre-heating, have an adult help you place the sheet on the middle rack in the oven. Bake for 10-14 minutes, or until the tops of the dough start to turn golden-brown.

Step 7: Have an adult help you remove the baking sheet from the oven. Be careful, the sheet will be extremely hot! Set the sheet on a heat-resistant surface and allow to cool for 5 minutes before trying to remove the franks. Don’t forget to turn the oven off after you are finished with it.

Step 8: Use a spatula to remove the franks from the sheet and arrange them around a large pate. Place a bowl of your favorite dipping sauce in the center of the plate so all of your friends can enjoy pigs in a blanket with you !


This set of instructions was intended for a third-grade audience. With that in mind, the language I used for actions and descriptions was chosen to avoid potentially confusing words. For example, I avoided using “approximately” and opted for “about” instead. This allows the reader to focus more on the actions and steps instead of on the language itself. I also made liberal use of exclamation points to help get the reader get excited about preparing and enjoying a snack themselves. I have worked with younger kids, and they are noticeably more engaged in a task if they are excited about it.

I also used a photo at the head of the document even though it was not included the requirements. The picture helps set the reader’s expectations on what the finished product should look like, and for somebody who has possibly never had pigs in a blanket before, this is important information to have. I also included several items in the list of needed items that you likely wouldn’t find in an ordinary recipe, such as the butter knife and oven mitten. While an adult would certainly know that these are an appropriate thing to have ready when baking something, a third grader wouldn’t think that far ahead. They also might try to use an actual sharp knife to cut something soft like dough, which could also be dangerous. This is why I go so far as to specify a butter knife. I also instruct the reader to make sure they have an adult to help them because no child should operate an oven by themselves.

The snack I chose is also a popular party dish, so I made sure that the explanations at the beginning and end of the document give suggestions of when to eat them and how to serve them for a group of people. Children also tend to ask “why?” and ignore warnings that are not accompanied by this answer. That is why the step about arranging the franks on the sheet has such a long explanation.