Make a report on - Major term project: Wildfires in California Please refer to the word doc for template :-

Research Project Template (delete unnecessary information, other than the cover page, each
section must be at least one paragraph):
1. Cover Page
a. Course Title
b. Project Title (should describe your topic)
c. Your name and ID number
d. Submission Date
e. Instructor and TA names
2. Describe the problem or issue
a. What is the issue or the problem?
b. Who does it impact?
c. How does it impact them?
d. What are the root causes of the problem?
e. Secondary or Tertiary problems it creates?
3. Demonstrate how this problem or issue is connected to the concepts learned in this class.
a. What chapters or concepts that we learned are present in the problem or issue?
Discuss how they are connected.
4. Conduct an organizational needs assessment of the problem or issue
a. Identify two organizations working on the problem or issue.
b. What does each organization do well in response to this problem or issue?
c. Compare and contrast how each organization’s approach to tackling the issue and
asses the effectiveness of each.
d. Identify criticisms of what each organization is lacking in their approach to the
problem or issue.
e. What could these organizations do better?
5. Provide at least 3 solutions to the problem (if you identify solutions in section 4 you may
restate them here)
a. One proposed solution should be your own
b. Outline the pros each solution
c. Outline the cons each solution (remember solutions can often have unintended
6. Summary
a. Write a summary of your research stating the problem, its impact and how it could be
solved and what are the likely outcomes to this problem
i. Address questions like will it be resolved, will it get worse?
7. Reflection
a. Reflect on this experience and what you learned engaging in it.
8. References
a. Include at least 5 reputable sources, listed alphabetically.