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Ideal Beauty


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The two heads from Nigeria that I chose to discuss are the brass crowned head of Yoruba ruler from life figure 14.1 and the Ivory Hip Pendent of the Iyoba Queen Mother Idia figure 14.16. Both figures have many different visual elements of expression. One example in figure 14.1, the ruler from life has a blank confused look on her face. She is looking like she is trying to figure something out. In figure 14.16, Queen Mother Idia also has a blank stare, but this stare looks very aggressive and intimidating. Her visual expression has a much more aggressive and meaner expression to it. It could be because she is looking directly at the viewer instead of off to the side in figure 14.1.

Something that makes these figures beautiful is the crowns and artwork above and around their heads. This detail work places a higher rank among these women. These women are seen in their cultures as ideally beautiful because they are the highest most beloved women in their communities. Each figure is ideally beautiful in their own way to their own people. Every person and community has their own ideas and beliefs about what is and is not beautiful.

I do believe there is such thing as ideal beauty. There is such a thing as ideal beauty because I think every person on earth has their own ideal beauty within them even if it is not shown. Ideal beauty is a concept that is dependent on what people around the individual believe. What someone thinks is ideal beauty also depends on where they are from and where they were raised. This is also true with the people who made these figures. In their mind this was ideal beauty and to some this may still be today.

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