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The Nazca Lines are geoglyphs located in the desert on the South Coast of Peru. Geoglyphs are large designs, or pictures, formed on the earth, that can be seen from up above in the air. Because of their large size, the full designs can not fully be seen from the ground. It can inferred that no single artist made them, but rather they were made by organized groups of the Nazca people. The Nazca Lines cover about 200 square miles of an area in the desert known as the Pampa, near the foothills of the Andes Mountains. The Nazca Lines were created over several centuries, and the oldest one is more than 2000 years old. Each Nazca Line is made with a single continuous line. The Nazca Lines include designs of a hummingbird, a monkey, a killer whale, a spider, and a condor. They also include designs of various plants, shapes, patterns, and intersecting lines. The design of the monkey specifically is about 2000 years old and 330 feet long and 190 feet tall. 

Since this artwork was made before the ability to hover above the earth, there are multiple theories of their purpose and meaning.  One of these theories suggests that the Nazca Lines might be aligned with the heavens and represented constellations or planetary trajectories. This theory seems to have some holes in it because it is difficult to find celestial alignments for most of the designs. Another theory suggests that the Nazca Lines represented  ceremonial walkways because the lines seem to direct people to  religious center Cahuachi. The most promising theory suggest that there is a strong link between the Nazca Lines and farming. The article from Khan Academy says one of the most promising recent theories is that the geoglyphs may deal with fertility for the crops, while others can be associated with water needed for the crops, which is an important commodity for farming in the desert. The last theory suggests that the purpose and meaning of the Nazca Lines is that the geoglyphs were intended to be visible to the gods of the mountains, which connects to the need of water for their farming because the mountains were the origin of fresh water for this area. There have also been offerings to the gods found at the Nazca Lines. 

If the purpose of the Nazca Lines was a type of messaging to the gods, it can be related to today’s use of social media applications such as Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram. One way these two things can be related is that these social media applications are ways to present a message or an idea to a large group of people around the world, sort of what the Nazca Lines tried to do for the gods. The Nazca Lines could have been used to present a message or idea to the gods. These social media platforms are also used to share pictures. The Nazca Lines were also used to create and present a picture.