Complete this as soon as possible. 25 question practice quiz.

  1. What makes geography different from other science disciplines is its focus on:

  1. Spatial inquiry and analysis

  2. Use of mathematics

  3. None of these answers

  4. Rocks and rock cycle

2.) Latitude varies_______

  1. from the Tropic of Capricorn to the Tropic of Cancer.

  2. from 0 degrees (South Pole) to 180 degrees (North Pole).

  3. from 0 degrees (equator) to 90 degrees north and south (the poles)

  4. from 45 degrees to 90 degrees north and south (the poles).

3.) In the scientific method, a plausible explanation for a testable question is called a ______________.

  1. Hypothesis

  2. Conclusion

  3. Theory

  4. independent variable

4.) When an organization or person denies or doubts the scientific consensus on an issue in a non-scientific way, it is referred to as science _______.

  1. Denial

  2. Skepticism

  3. Conclusion

  4. independent variable

5.) This Greek geographer wrote a 17 volume series called “Geographia” that described the cultural geographies of people from modern day Britain to Ethiopia and Iceland to India.

  1. Immanuel Kant

  2. William Pattison

  3. Al-Idrisi

  4. Strabo

6.) Which of the following is NOT a Greek Geographer from the BC era?

  1. Aristotle

  2. Eratosthenes

  3. Bernhardus Varenius

  4. Herodotus

7.) A small scale map, with a scale of 1:250,000, would show houses, streets and other details of one town.

  1. True

  2. False

8.) A small scale map, with a scale of 1:250,000, would show houses, streets and other details of one town.

  1. True

  2. False

9.) Time zones are closely related to lines of longitude.

  1. True

  2. False

10.) Which of the following sub-topics are NOT part of Physical Geography?

  1. Hydrology

  2. Pedology

  3. Entomology

  4. Climatology

11.) Sir Francis Bacon wrote a treatise about Science and Superstition in 1610.

  1. True

  2. False

12.) A physical geographer would likely not study

  1. the diffusion of various religions from the so-called Middle East.

  2. the impact of Hurricane Patricia's landfall along the west coast of Mexico.

  3. the 7.8 magnitude earthquake in Nepal in 2015.

13.) Geography

  1. is not a the traditional sense of the word.

  2. does not consider process in explaining systems.

  3. is derived from geo and graphein; literally, "to write Earth."

14.) Which is not true of geographers?

  1. They are Earth systems scientists.

  2. They are concerned with human-environment interactions.

  3. They are primarily concerned with place names.

15.) Which of the following comprise the fundamental duality in the field of geography?

  1. physical and economic

  2. economic and political

  3. physical and human

16.) Which of the following best describes the field of physical geography?

  1. understanding the process that lead to soil development. and the environments in which they occur

  2. the spatial analysis of all the physical elements, processes, and systems that make up the environment

  3. the study of weather, climate, and related phenomenon, especially as influenced by human action

17.) Which of the following is the general order of steps in the scientific method?

  1. hypothesis--questions and variables--testing--observation--results

  2. observation--testing--hypothesis--questions and variables--results

  3. observation--questions and variables--hypothesis--testing--results

18.) In 2012, the world human population surpassed

  1. 4 billion.

  2. 6 billion.

  3. 3 billion.

  4. 7 billion.

19.) The term sustainability refers to

  1. recycling, reusing, and composting goods so that they may be used again, often in altered form.

  2. continued use of a defined activity in a manner to reduce adverse impacts to the environment.

  3. the consumption of natural resources at a rate that can be properly measured.

20.) Which of the following is incorrect?

  1. Earth represents a vast integrated system.

  2. New resources and matter are being added to Earth's systems all the time.

  3. Earth represents a closed system in terms of matter.

21.) The three inorganic Earth realms are the

  1. biosphere, ecosphere, and, ecosphere, and hydrosphere.

  2. atmosphere, geoid, and homosphere.

  3. hydrosphere, lithosphere, and atmosphere.

22.)The realization that Earth was a sphere

  1. had to wait until the modern era (1800s).

  2. did not occur in Europe until the first voyages of Columbus.

  3. was first made by Pythagoras, 580-500 B.C.

23.) The realization that Earth was a sphere

  1. had to wait until the modern era (1800s).

  2. did not occur in Europe until the first voyages of Columbus.

  3. was first made by Pythagoras, 580-500 B.C.

24.) Which of the following statements about Earth is correct?

  1. The equatorial diameter is 42 km (26 mi.) greater than the polar diameter.

  2. Earth's polar circumference is greater than Earth's equatorial circumference.

  3. Earth is the second largest planet in the solar system.

25.) Parallels of latitude

  1. measure distances east and west of the equator.

  2. are lines which passes through both poles.

  3. are used to measure distances north or south of the equator.