Hi, please the attached.

Below is a list of theatre terms and definitions. Read the definition. Find an image on the internet that is in some way representative of that term. Do not copy and paste the first thing that comes up in google.

Make sure you read the definition carefully. Just googling the word and copy and pasting the first thing you see is not necessarily accurate.

Due Wednesday by midnight.

Theatre- the activity or profession of acting in, producing, directing, or writing plays

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Actor/Actress a person who portrays a performance of a character on stage

Blocking is the term for where the actors move. Setting the blocking is like choreographing a dance. Actors have to learn their blocking as well as their lines.

Cast The list of characters in a play and the actors who play them. Also, as a verb, to allocate parts to members of a company.

Costume The clothing an actor/actress wears on stage

Cue This is the term for the action a technician* takes when executing their job and usually denotes a change of some sort. For instance: a lighting cue can be a change in the lighting “look” or intensity; a sound cue can be a change in volume; a set cue can be where the set crew moves out one or more set pieces and moves in one or more others.

Curtain Call Taking a bow in front of the audience at the end of a show.

Director In control of all aspects of the production.(S)he develops the concept of the production, briefs the designer and lighting designer, plots the actor's moves, rehearses the actors, etc. etc. etc..

Gel A filter placed over the front of a lantern to change the color of the light.

Gobo A piece of metal or glass, which fits into the gate of a profile spot (qv) and projects a pattern onto the set.

House Manager In charge of everything which happens front of house: box office, ushers/usherettes, the bars, cash, etc..

Musical Theatre a genre of theatre in which singing and dancing play an essential part

Prop This is any item that a performer handles on stage. Anything else – such as a chair or picture frame – is considered a set* piece.

Proscenium or Proscenium Arch The proscenium arch is the opening in the front wall of the house*, which frames the stage.

Set The scenery for a particular show or individual scene.

Stage Manager (SM) In charge of everything The Stage Manager is the person in charge of the smooth running order* of a performance. While each technician* knows what their job is for any specific cue*, the SM makes sure that all of the cues* happen at the right time.

Strike (See also "Take Down") To dismantle the set and remove it from the stage.

Thrust A type of stage which projects out into the auditorium and has audience seated on three sides.

Find a diagram of a stage including upstage, downstage, stage left, stage right, upstage right, upstage left, downstage right, downstage left and center stage