EDUC 850 Comparative Scholarly Works Assignment Instructions Overview The literature review is a process where you synthesize current research and scholarly literature to identify historical aspects


Multicultural Education: The Teachers Perceptions and Preparation

Kelly-Ann Riddell

School of Education, Liberty University

EDUC 850

Central Research Question

What are teachers’ perceptions of multicultural education besides the different approaches to multicultural pedagogics and curriculum?

Article One

Title of the scholarly work: Elementary Teacher Perspective on Use of Multicultural Literatures in the Classrooms

Is it journal, book, /other? journal.

Is this peer-reviewed? Its peer-reviewed.

The main topic that was shown. It’s qualitative research setting out on determining how the multicultural literature was applied besides being perceived by the U.S. elementary schools’ teachers, as well as how beliefs of the teachers shape the perceptions, selecting, interpretation, plus the teaching of the multicultural literature.

Which words are repeated often? Elementary teachers & multicultural literature.

How the scholarly works answer this problem/ addresses this topic? Multicultural challenges are addressed in some of the classrooms, but it’s primarily in the elementary school which multicultural literatures first applies to children learning about the racial plus ethnic difference. Nevertheless, elementary tutors have greatest opportunities for fostering development of a positive, healthy attitude towards the other students.

How does the scholarly work neglect answering problem or addressing this topic? This paper has clearly answered the issue being addressed in the case.

The evidence does this study indicate regarding the problem/the topic? Using a study, which was conducted by Taylor Hochman, (2011) within Canada which surveyed around 942secondary learners, 10 from the school board, plus 5 provinces regarding the multi-culture literacy that found although the school curriculum is critical in building the knowledge for battling cultural racism, outside the social issues were influential equally.

Another research was conducted by Jimenez (2003) that suggested the teacher-student relationship is crucial to the learners’ academic success, it concluded that having multicultural awareness can potentially lead to the transformation of the society; empowering the students through having students recognize they are learners.

Nieto (2006), a U.S.-based study explored the manner for preparing the tutors for the diversified classroom, what this means to teach students with different backgrounds, as well as the qualities that effective tutors require to be able to have a positive difference in the students’ life. More so, to the personal qualification, effective tutors share the passion for the students’

diversity, plus other individual qualifications, besides believing that the students have got “the right for their identity plus language.

What methods of data collection were used? In this case there were 26 elementary tutors in schools across the nation that responds to the research. An invitation email having the web-surveys hyperlinks was used. Variable that pertains to the participants backgrounds, definitions, selections acquirements plus applications of the “multicultural” literatures, elementary communities for the school plus district mandate was addressed in a web surveys.

What data analysis methods were used? The data was analyzed by use of constant comparisons method for discovering patterns in participants’ response besides comparing them with the themes which are emerging. Likert styles responses was tallied besides the percentages for every question being generated. For first authors they provided the initial theme, while the second author did code data besides verifying these themes.

What are strengths for this scholarly works? For this the qualitative study was able to set out in determining the way multicultural literatures was being used plus perceived by the U.S. elementary teachers, besides the belief teachers shape their perceptions, selection, interpretations, as well as teaching of the multicultural literatures.

What are the limitations of the scholarly work? This is limited by relatively small sample of the elementary instructors that were mostly White besides coming from the Northwestern U.S. More so, the participants are volunteers that might affect the responses. The factors limit the transferability to the other population as well as suggesting that the large study draws from the wider, as well as more varying demographic as well as the socioeconomic populations, is being warranted.

What is the theoretical or conceptual framework, if presented? This research supports the importance of the multicultural learning (Jimenez,2003; Tschida, Ryan, and Ticknor,2014). Multicultural challenges are addressed in some of the classrooms, but it’s primarily in the elementary school that the multicultural is used for the children to study about the racial plus ethnic difference. Nevertheless, elementary tutors have greatest opportunities for fostering the developments of the positive, health attitude towards the other students.

Does it relate to the study? The article relates to the study since this looks at the perspectives for elementary teachers on using multicultural literature in classroom which closely relates to the topic of multicultural which am studying.

What are the results of the study? Analysis of data indicated the trends that are related to the study of the elementary schools teacher perspective on using multicultural literatures in the classroom: (1) Stronger support for the multicultural education through the elementary schools administrator encouraging reading of the multicultural literatures in the schools; (2) Mandating the multicultural learning doesn’t always increase reading of the multicultural literatures in the elementary school, plus; (3) Administrators who are involved with the mandate might limit using multicultural literatures through promotion of close adherences to the curriculum for the multicultural literatures selection.

Include the quotes from scholarly works below (include page number). Use the quotes in a sparing way. cultural”, “race,” plus “nationality

Include the correctly formatted reference here. Geraldine M & Karen F. (2017). Elementary teacher perspective on use of the multicultural literature in the classrooms. William Paterson University. Language plus Literacy 18 (3) : 16

Paste link to article.

Article Tw

Title for the scholarly work: Instructional Designs & Strategy for the Multicultural
Education: A Qualitative Case Study

Is this journal, book, /other? journal

Is this peer reviewed? It’s peer-reviewed

What are major topics being presented? Multicultural learning is ensuring that the learners out of the diversified races, ethnic, plus social-classes group experience education equalities.

Which word is often repeated? multicultural, instructional strategy, multicultural attitude, five-dimension, case study

How the scholarly works answers the problem/ addressing this topic? studying the instructional strategy applied by the skilled instructors in the face-to- face multi culture educational courses under lenses of 5 dimension of the multi culture learning (Banks, 2015) helps in gaining the insight in how the instruction could be more effective in the production of the multicultural attitude while teaching on multicultural education as well as ensuring the education equality. The syllabus plus schedule is detailed as well as purposefully being created with Jane. This reading material was chosen for bringing awareness concerning problems being encountered by the immigrant in the foreign country. Also, material covering different cultural group plus supporting guests lectures as well as smaller groups discussions. These weekly breakdowns of the topics, concerning particular cultures, helps pick the reading, activity, technologies, plus guests’ speaker for providing multiple perspective to the construction knowledge (Driscoll,2014). The clear plan provides valuable implications for the other instructor.

How does the scholarly work neglect answering problem or addressing this topic? This paper has clearly answered the issue being addressed in the case.

What evidence does this scholarly works present regarding this topic? It presented evidence through reviewing the multicultural learning basing on basic egalitarians principle of democracies, that could be more effective in the implementation of objectives for American learning (Huda et al., 2015). It’s multidimension as well as not restricting but provides linked contents just by reducing the prejudice (Banks,1993). Instructor must realize differences among the learners, including ethnicity, genders, religion, as well as transnationalism besides being able to advance the diversified education into the entire setting (Alismail, 2016) as well as embodies its value (Shannon-Baker, 2018). It’s the challenge provided to most perspective plus opinion which exist. Also “ideologically as well as political resistances, besides higher stakes for testing, as well as the teacher’s accountability makes a curriculum change toward the multiculturalism difficulties” (Alismail,2016).

Considering the multi culture, Del Barco et al., (2007) describes 3 attitudinal components basing the Brecklers (1984) definitions. Cognitive components comprise beliefs, idea, thoughts, plus expressions or the manifestation, which are stereotyping, plus belief having negative value. The effective components consist of the mood plus opposite feeling plus emotions in respect to outgroups or absence of the positive emotion towards them, while behavioral components comprise tendency, plus actual behaviors (Del Barco et al., 2007). The opposite value plus negative emotion harbored towards the other people lead to the discrimination behaviors (Duckitt, 1992). It’s difficulties to affecting consciousness of individuals that haven’t had any discriminatory among them, as well as changes the perception plus attitudes beside affecting the consciousness, intensive practicality efforts are required (Munroe and Pearson,2006).

What data collection methods were used? We did sent questionnaires which contains 12 open-ended questions via email on student experience, attitudes, knowledge, feelings, as well as behavior to students in summer of year 2017. Then got the response from the 9 learners assisting in gaining insight from special experience of samples. Information which was gotten from the students explains the thoughts process while it engages with the content as well as completion of the activity. The researcher did interview Jane. This interview took an hour besides being semi-structured without any specific orders. It was recorded as well as transcribed verbatim. The questions for the Interview were basing on the 5 dimensions of the multicultural learning. Attitudes connected questions were basing on the definitions which was offered by Gagne et al., (1992) plus Kamradt and Kamradt (1999).

What data analysis methods were used? All resources were analyzed for assessing the quality as well as how these are linked with the course. We reviewed the students’ responses to surveys, then followed by interview transcript for Jane. We did analyze the autobiography composed by the students plus the abstract for the groups project. This case studies analysis through category aggregations (Creswell, 2013) that means collected the people instance from information” or pulling data away as well as putting “them together in the meaningful means”. Team of 4 researcher analyzed surveys data to be able to understand meaning making processes of students, as well as their prior attitude as well as knowledge regarding multiculturalism. This assisted in deciphering how the attitudes did change during then after.

What are strengths of this scholarly works? The scholarly work has used other research to substantiate their point and show the reason why their research is valid.

What are the limitations of the scholarly work? The case study is conducted in the multicultural classes. It could not happen all times, as well as above the instructional strategy plus interventions could not suit the classes in which all students belong to the minority’s populations/ the dominating culture. Other limitation is 2 researchers are former learners that were taking a course being taught by Jane.

What is the theoretical or conceptual framework, if presented? The surveys plus interview info were reviewed to arriving at the preliminaries code. Then it divided the data in understandable units as well as compared with the code from the preliminary reviews. It assisted us with creating the coding schemes basing on responses which participants gives to the questions. The theme which guided data analysis was how the students did experience changes to cognitive, affective, as well as behavior components for attitude, besides the way Jane intentionally using intervention to produce the change. Considering themes, the open codes were grouped by using the axial coding method as well as arriving at the categories plus subcategory basing on 5 dimensions of the multi culture learning (Banks, 2015) as the theoretical frameworks.

Does it relate to the study? Yes, it is relating to my study since it’s looking at different strategies which can be adapted in multicultural education.

What are the results of the study? Due to her learning, personal attitude, experience, plus exposures to the foreign culture, Jane possesses appropriate attitude to teaching. It might not be to all the teachers gaining first experiences. Nevertheless, Jane states, though by reading the required literatures it’s possible being mindful concerning cultural differences as well as prejudices to the transferring appropriate attitude to the learners. Jane uses different readings plus media which is instrumental in the breaking the prejudice plus stereotype (Breckler, 1984; Del Barco et al., 2007). She led her learners to constructing the understanding from the vicarious experience. Instructors must encourage sharing of their perspectives as well as not projecting them as dominators, so each person could learn from the experience. To reducing effects for stereotyping, “the one which is vital is development of little bits of the communities in the group, having small groups discussion it gave the expression to the nervous learners.

Include the quotes from scholarly works below (include page number). Use the quotes in a sparing way. Equity Pedagogy, prejudice reduction, content integration and instructional strategies.

Include the correctly formatted reference here. Shamikla J., William R., Sunnie L., & Papa B., (2019). Instructional Design and Strategies for Multicultural Education: A Qualitative Case Study. Walden University. Volume 9, Issue 1, Pages 300–315

Paste the link to the article here.


Geraldine M & Karen F., (2017). Elementary teachers’ perspective on the use of multicultural literature in their classrooms. William Paterson University. Language and Literacy 18(3):16

Shamikla J., William R., Sunnie L., & Papa B., (2019). Instructional Design and Strategies for Multicultural Education: A Qualitative Case Study. Walden University. Volume 9, Issue 1, Pages 300–315