I’m going to try this again since the last assignment was a complete failure. Tutors please READ the instructions, and take a look at the SAMPLES provided for reference. I don’t know what else I need

Sample Notes:


We had a productive session at the center today. Client worked on pointing to which color blocks he wanted. When client was difficult, staff used language like “first work… then video,” and worked on antecedent strategies to improve client’s maladaptive behavior. Client also did very well with responding to name with prompt. We were also able to collect lots of data during playtime. After a quick bathroom break, client had sensory and movement activities. During social skills client did arts and crafts with the group.


It was out first session after a week of no school, so we spent most of the session reestablishing expectations for performance during our meetings. At the beginning, client had a difficult time initiating tasks (and adjusting/settling into the daily routine), but after some redirection from staff, he was able to complete the tasks.


Client had a very difficult time transitioning between therapists. After a brief walk, however, he was able to settle down and continue with his day. During lunch we tried one of client’s baseline goals of using a fork, but he refused and just wanted to play with it. After several unsuccessful trials with the fork, staff decided to ease off from demands placed on him. Client also worked on sharing during independent play, and practiced social skills at the gym with peers.


Staff’s primary focus today was on strengthening client’s communication skills (vocal speech, picture exchange, etc.), functional skills (toileting, dressing, etc.), and social skills (group play, sharing, etc.). Client was also able to practice active listening, as well as making eye contact. There were no barriers to our session today. Treatment plan continued as outlined.


So proud of my client today. Besides being on his best behavior, he helped staff during circle time by encouraging peers to participate during activities. Client also exceeded staff’s expectations when he completed 6 programs during DTT, and was actively involved in group play.