All too often math is seen as a subject that is a world of its own, isolated from the humanities and other subjects. Math is not just a class but a topic that constantly impacts our decisions. Math ca

Measuring Length

This lesson is designed to teach students how to measure lengths indirectly and by alternating length units.

Grade Level: K - 1st
Subject: Math
Length of Time: About 45 Minutes

Common Core Alignment

CCSS: MATH.CONTENT.1.MD.A.1 - Order three objects by length; compare the lengths of two objects indirectly by using a third object.

Objectives & Outcomes

Students will be able to estimate and measure length with nonstandard units.

Materials Needed

classroom objects to measure – cubes, 
paper, inchworm

“Sid the Science Kid” video (


Opening to Lesson


Demonstrate how to measure the length of something in the classroom using non-standard measurement units. Ask what is measurement and bring out definitions to post on wall. Maybe ask what careers do you think have to use measuring (chef, scientist, architect, construction, etc) to introduce the word wall.

Body of Lesson

Direct Teaching: Watch the YouTube video: “Sid the Science Kid” to demonstrate exploring measurements. Elicit responses during and after video, and have students follow along and write in their answers on their bubble map.

Guided Practice 1

Students will follow along with teacher; students will engage and may be expected to come up to the board to participate in measuring items on the chart paper.

Guided Practice 2

The teacher will introduce items that need to be measured using non-standard items (inch worms, blocks, bears, paperclips, etc). Students will make estimates and measure the different inchworms in their packet using different nonstandard units of measurement; students will write about their findings.

Independent Practice

In pairs, students will estimate the measurement of items in the classroom; students will then move around the room measuring different objects/area in the classroom using the inchworm, paperclips, or cubes.


Pull student volunteer to come up to front to ask debrief questions: 1)What did you learn today?
2)what did you like about today’s activity?
3)how can we make it better next time?

2) how can we use this outside of the classroom?